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b'MEMBERSHIP MATTERSAAP 2024 Annual Dues Are Open For Renewal2024 AAP dues payments are due Subscriptions to the member magazine, by Mar. 31, 2024 and members canPeriospectives, and the weekly e-news brief, easily pay online using a creditThis Week in Perio, to help you stay up-to-date on Academy initiatives and periodontal health card! In addition, you have thenewsoption to choose the 12-month Discounted member rates to attend the 2024 payment plan.Annual Meeting in San DiegoValuable members-only discounts on Perio Paying online is easy at perio.org/renewPerks programs Renew today to enjoy uninterrupted access to all of Member discounts on AAP-branded your membership benefits, including:merchandise in the AAP Perio Store Subscriptions to our peer-reviewed journals,Questions, contact AAP Member ServicesJournal of Periodontology and Clinical Advancesat member.services@perio.org orin Periodontics* 312-787-5518.Access to AAP Connect, our members-onlyThank you for being a memberonline community, including the Open Forumof the AAP!discussion group, the online Member Directory,*Dependent on member typeand much more Valuable CE opportunities to ensure that youcan stay current on best practices A dedicated group of volunteers who work diligently to represent the specialty worldwide JOP Podcasts featuring behind the scenes information from periodontal researchers29'