b'SCIENCE & COLLABORATIONBalint Orban & Research ForumContinued from page 35Could you briefly describehow to interpret and present our findings the results of your award- in a clear and concise manner. In addition, winning research? I had to determine the best way to convey My study found a significantthe clinical relevance of our findings and the positive association betweenpotential impact on the clinical practice of alveolar bone loss andperiodontology.serum IgG and IgM anti- How do you anticipate this award will malondialdehydeacetaldehydeinfluence your future work?(MAA) antibody concentrations Dr. Joyce Lee in rheumatoid arthritis cases,Embarking on this journey during my an association unique fromresidency has been an eye-opening Research Forumthat observed in osteoarthritisexperience, revealing the intricate interplay Clinical Impact andcontrol participants.between systemic diseases and periodontal Clinical Science Award Additionally, serum anti-P.health, and underscoring the critical role gingivalis, anti-P. intermedia,of research in unraveling this complex and anti-F. nucleatum antibodyrelationship. With this award as a catalyst, concentrations also were positively associated with serumI plan to support future dental research anti-MAA antibody concentrations in the overall population.initiatives toward advancing the improvement This study suggests a potential role of MAA in the relationshipof periodontal health, thereby empowering between the periodontium and rheumatoid arthritis. future periodontists and contributing to enhanced patient care. What challenges did you encounter during your research, and how were they overcome? Thanks to Specialty1 Partners for sponsoring A notable challenge was understanding the complexity of thethe 2023 Balint Orban Memorial Competition!relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis and36'