b'health dentists between May 8 andThree Dental Offices: A Six-Monthon which Dr. Geisinger will be the June 12, 2020. In the article, titledRetrospective Study, the study involvedlead author, will focus on the mental Estimating COVID-19 Prevalence and2,810 patients treated from March 15health aspects of performing dentistry Infection Control Practices Among USto September 15, 2020 in three dentalduring the pandemic and analyze the Dentists, the authors reported thatoffices in New York City. The studyrelationship between higher levels enhanced infection control proceduresfound no instances of transmissionof anxiety and certain demographic were implemented in 99.7% of dentistsfrom patient to provider or provider tofactors, including age, gender, and primary practices, most commonlypatient. whether the dentist owns the practice disinfection, COVID-19 screening,The not-so-good news or is an employee. social distancing, and face masks.The increased importance Importantly, the study also found thatWhile the intense focus on preventingof periodontal care during a only 0.9% of the surveyed dentists hadCOVID-19 infection among bothpandemica confirmed or probable diagnosis ofdentists and patients has certainly been COVID-19.warranted, the JADA study suggestsDr. Geisinger indicated that a soon-that one aspect of health might notto-be-published retrospective analysis According to Dr. Mia Geisinger, one ofhave received the scrutiny it requires:by a Montreal hospital found that the studys authors and a member ofclinicians mental health. Over one- COVID-19 patients with periodontitis the AAP Board of Trustees from Districtthird of dentists reported experiencingas a co-morbidity experienced 3, these findings are not surprising.at least mild psychological distresssignificantly longer hospital stays, a The fact that dentists in general,in the two weeks prior to the surveyhigher likelihood of intubation, and a and periodontists in particular, wereadministration.In addition, responsesgreater overall severity of the disease. already experts on infection control andto depressive symptom questionsThis confirms several previous personal protective procedures made itindicated potential major depressivereports and hypotheses. Systemic possible to maintain the relatively lowdisorders for 8.6% of the dentists.inflammation associated with levels of positivity and infection rates,periodontal disease may be a critical Dr. Geisinger said. In contrast, dentistsAccording to Dr. Geisinger, while bothdriver of the inflammatory reaction in Russia have reported positivity ratesof those rates are lower than levelsand cytokine storm seen in severe as high as 13 percent. experienced by the general public, theyCOVID disease, said Dr. Geisinger. are roughly double the pre-pandemicThis points out the importance of The authors concluded, These rateslevels for dentists in the US. If the support that use of the CDCs currentlydental care in general, and periodontal percentage of dentists experiencingcare in particular, during the recommended infection prevention anddiabetes or pulmonary fibrosis had control procedures in dental officespandemic. Rather than asking, Is it doubled during the pandemic, I thinksafe for me to go to the dentist during will contribute to the reduced risk ofthere would be a clamor for some sort infection during the delivery of dentalthe pandemic, she said, patients of remedial action, she said. We knowshould be asking, Is it safe for me not care. that psychological stress is associated to go to the dentist?As further evidence of the successfulwith inflammation for health outcomes. safety record of American dentalAnd thats why its so importantAnd rather than just asking, Am practices, Dr. Geisinger pointed outfor members of our profession toI doing everything I can to prevent a study evaluating transmission inrecognize the signs and symptoms ofCOVID-19 infection? dentists should periodontal practices that appearedpsychological stress and anxiety and toalso be asking, Am I doing everything in the November/December 2020seek help. I can to protect my mental health International Journal of Periodonticsduring the pandemic?Since June, the authors of the JADA and Restorative Dentistry. Authored bystudy have been conducting monthly Scott Froum and Stuart Froum, twofollow-ups with the study respondents AAP members, and titled Incidencethat will lead to additional studies. One, of COVID-19 Virus Transmission in AAP Periospectives| 9'