b'YEAR IN REVIEWA Date with DestinyIt seems clear that James G. Jimmy Wilson was predestinedneeded any help, and the next thing to one day serve as the president of the American Academy ofI knew I was on the board, he said. Over the next few years, I held several Periodontology. After all, both of his parents were presidents of theirboard positions. Then, one day I got a respective professions national associations: his father with the Americancall from a friend who was one of the Accounting Association (AAA), and his mother with the American AllianceAAP trustees from District 3. He said that he and the other trustees thought for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD).I might be a good candidate to become Dr. Wilsons path to the AAP presidency began in his hometown ofan AAP district trustee. Gainesville, Florida, where his mother was a professor at the University ofDr. Wilson decided to run for the Florida.(His parents divorced when he was in first grade, and his fatherposition and was elected to a three-year went on to teach at Stanford, Harvard, MIT and Boston College.)Heterm in 2010 and reelected to a second spent 13 years in the University of Florida system, getting a bachelor ofterm in 2013.For the first several science degree in microbiology, attending dental school, and completingyears, I never gave a moments thought three residencies. His initial residency was a one-year fellowship in oralto doing anything beyond that. I was surgery, but he decided that while he enjoyed the surgery, he realizedcontent building my practice and being that he did not like the limited opportunity oral surgery provides for long- in Tampa with my family.But during term relationships with patients. He then decided to pursue a periodontalmy last few years, I had a few people residency, but because he had just missed the application deadline forsuggest that I consider running for an that year, he did a one-year general dentistry residency before starting hisofficer position. During my years on three-year periodontal residency.the board, Id always come home from Following graduation, Dr. Wilson spent two years as an associate in ameetings with the Board of Trustees Tampa practice owned by a mentor he had met during his periodontalfeeling invigorated and like Id been able residency. Then, in 2001, he opened Tampa Bay Periodontics andto make a contribution, and so, after Implant Dentistry. Soon thereafter, he ran into the Florida Association ofconsultation with my wife, I decided to Periodontists outgoing president, who had been in residency when herun. I was fortunate enough to win, and was in dental school. After catching up, I asked him if the associationfour years later, here we are.AAP Periospectives| 10'