b'Porphyromonas gingivalis and Alzheimer disease: Recentfindings and potential therapies, by Mark I. RyderPRECISION ORAL HEALTHBiologically informed stratification of periodontal diseaseholds the key to achieving precision oral health,by Kimon Divaris, Kevin Moss, and James D. BeckSubgingival microbiome and clinical periodontal status inan elderly cohort: The WHICAP ancillary study of oralhealth, by Panos N. Papapanou, Heekuk Park, BinCheng, Alexis Kokaras, Bruce Paster, Sandra Burkett,Caitlin Wei-Ming Watson, Medini K. Annavajhala, Anne- Catrin Uhlemann, and James M. NobleMaintaining barrier function of infected gingival epithelialcells by inhibition of DNA methylation, by Silvana P.Barros, Eman Hefni, Farahnaz Fahimipour, Steven Kim, and Payal Arora In addition to the 10 papers, the supplement contains three special features:1. Drs. Jim Beck and Tom Van Dyke, two long-time colleagues of Dr. Offenbacher, co-authored an in memoriam titled Steven Offenbacher, DDS, PhD, MMSc: The gifts of a giant in science and the father ofThe supplement covers six inset images represent periodontal medicine. In it they point out that while theirDr. Offenbachers focus on the relationship between late colleagues pioneering exploration of the relationshipperiodontitis and cardiovascular disease, pulmonary between periodontitis and systemic health rightly earneddisease, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes, kidney him the sobriquet of The Father of Periodontal Medicine,disease, and stroke.much of his research focused on periodontitis itself. They also cite his love of teaching and his lengthy list of majorFittingly, 15 of Dr. Offenbachers articles have been awards for both research and education. published since his passing, a powerful foreshadowing 2. In his introductory paper titled The symposium honoringof how his passion and brilliance will continue to Dr. Steven Offenbacher: Four decades of researchinfluence our profession not only for years, but for contributions to periodontal medicine, Dr. Ken Kornmandecades to come. takes a decade-by-decade approach to highlightingThe Academy thanks Colgate-Palmolive Company for the impressively diverse research topics on which Dr.its generous support of the A Tribute to Dr. Steven Offenbacher focused and the researchers with whomOffenbacher: Honoring Four Decades of Research he collaborated (many of whom presented at the UNCContributions to Periodontal Medicine supplement. symposium). 3. The supplement ends with Dr. Steven Offenbachers Research Legacy, an 18-page summary of over 340 peer-reviewed articles he published from 1975 through 2020. AAP Periospectives| 35'