b'lower rates than current federal rates, it may be a better, and lower cost choice to refinance when cash flow allows.Mistake #4: Paying off student loans too quickly. Often people feel like they have to get their loans reduced because the sheer volume of the debt feels so overwhelming. Closer to the truth for most people is that if the loan is at a low interest rate and you can get a better return on your money in a retirement account or an investment that exceeds the rate of interest on your loan, you are better off not accelerating your debt payments.load may hurt their application. The fact isstrong. Find an attorney, a CPA, a lender that many lenders finance close to 100%and a financial advisorwho all specialize Mistake #5: Getting lured into a variableof a new practice even for borrowersin working with dental and medical rate loan. Were currently experiencing thewho have student loans. What banks areprofessionals. lowest interest rate period in our history,looking for is cash flow. If it looks like you and its a great time to get low, fixedwill have the cash flow to repay your loansIf you have any questions, dont hesitate to rates. But this great opportunity may notin a timely manner, they may very wellcontact us! last as long-term rates may go back up.take a risk on you.Treloar & Heisel is a financial services Some people fall prey to attractive, lowprovider to dental and medical introductory rates on mortgages and otherMistake #8: Buying too much house financing, but these are deceptively lowor too much car. After years of being inprofessionals across the country. We in the beginning and end up costing a lotschool and living a student life, manyassist thousands of clients from training more over time. graduates have a pent-up need toto practice and through retirement splurge on something big. For some,with a comprehensive suite of financial Mistake #6: Mistaking youth for beingits a fancy house, for others its a fancyservices, custom- tailored advice, and invincible. Lots of younger peoplecar. Something to keep in mind is thata strong service-focused support team. disregard the need for insurance becauseyou dont want your debt (student loans,For more information visit us at www.they mistakenly believe that nothing badmortgage, credit cards, etc.) to exceedtreloaronline.com.will ever happen to them. Sadly, this is far30% of your gross incomeeven ifTreloar & Heisel, Treloar & Heisel Wealth from the truth. Every dentist should havebanks will often lend you more. BanksManagement, and Treloar & Heisel Risk disability income insurance: It protectsdont necessarily care that you are savingManagement are all divisions of Treloar & your ability to generate an income intoward your retirement. You, however,Heisel, Inc. the event that you cant work. Everyoneshould care about saving for retirement, should have an umbrella policy: it providesand that may mean living in a smallerInvestment Advice offered through WCG protection in the event that you are subjecthome so you can accomplish both goals.Wealth Advisors, LLC, a Registered to a general lawsuit. Say youre in a carInvestment Advisor doing business as accident and the other party sues you,Mistake #9: Not seeking professionalTreloar & Heisel Wealth Management. your base limits on your auto and homeadvice. The internet, self-help books,Treloar & Heisel Wealth Management may run out. You should maximize thewebinars and a myriad of well-intentionedis a separate entity from The Wealth liability in your auto and home coverage,friends and relatives will all want to tellConsulting Group and WCG Wealth and then buy an umbrella policy in caseyou what to do with your money. ButAdvisors, LLC. you are the subject of a personal injurythese lay voices cannot provide the lawsuit.advice of an experienced professionalInsurance products offered separately versed in the financial life of dental andthrough Treloar & Heisel and Treloar & Mistake #7: Deferring their dream ofmedical practitioners. Assemble a teamHeisel Risk Management. practice ownership because of fear. Manyto advise you from the start. You may not graduates delay buying into a practice,have much in assets to begin with, butTreloar & Heisel, Inc. and its divisions and because they fear that their student debtthe foundation you establish needs to beWCG Wealth Advisors, LLC do not offer tax or legal advice.AAP Periospectives| 27'