b'COVER STORY 6PRESIDENT James G. WilsonPRESIDENT-ELECTChristopher RichardsonVICE PRESIDENT David OkanoSECRETARY/TREASURER Stephen MerawPAST PRESIDENT Bryan FrantzEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Erin ODonnell Dotzler email: erin@perio.org 2020: A year like no other.ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2020 will likely go down in history as one of the most difficult andMEMBERSHIP, MARKETING unpredictable years of all time. The emergence of COVID-19, pairedAND COMMUNICATIONS with numerous other social, environmental, and political challenges,Meg Dempsey made for tough decisions, disappointing setbacks, and immeasurableemail: meg@perio.orgfrustration. Throughout the past year, the AAP has remained committed to supporting its most important and invaluable asset: itsSENIOR MANAGER, MARKETING membership.AND COMMUNICATIONSLearn more beginning on page 6. Adam Nataliemail: adam@perio.orgMissionTo champion member success and professional partnerships for optimal patient health and quality of life.ADVERTISING SALES Periospectives is published four times per year by the American Academy of Periodontology. Eileen Cox Pharmaceutical Media, Inc.Located at: 737 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60611-6660 30 E. 33 rdSt., #4Telephone toll free: 800-282-4867312-787-5518 New York, NY 10016 Fax: 312-787-3670Web: Perio.orgPublications Agreement No. 14-899992T) 917-214-0095 Copyright 2020 the American Academy of Periodontology email: ecox@pminy.comAll advertising appearing in Periospectives must be reviewed and accepted prior to publication. The publication of an advertisement in Periospectives is not to be construed as constituting an endorsement or approval of the product or its claims by the American Academy of Periodontology. AAP Periospectives| 3'