b"B Y J A M E S G . W I L S O N , D D SPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEAn Unpredictable YearPrior to sitting down to write my firstWhile I am certainly encouraged bypractice by developing strong working column as your president, I re-read thethe growing availability and apparentrelationships with dental hygienists in our column penned by my predecessor,efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, itlocal communities. Studies have shown Dr. Bryan Frantz, one year ago. Dr.is still far from clear as to what thethat hygienists are highly influential in Frantz laid out a very compelling andongoing impact of the pandemic willthe referral relationship, which makes very exciting vision of his goals forbe. My number one priority for myit essential that your nearby hygienists the Academy in 2020. Of course, lessterm as president will be to makeare looking to you as the local expert in than three months after we all read hissure that all of the Academys manyperiodontal disease management and inspirational words, we learned thatresources are available to minimize anydental implant and periodontal plastic 2020 was going to be a dramaticallylingering impact from the pandemicsurgery. For that reason, we will soon be different year than any of us couldon our members practices. A criticalannouncing a major initiative to help you have imagined. Among other things,part of this will be to help address themake hygienists critical members of your 2020 was a stark reminder of theemotional and psychological toll thecollaborative care team.unpredictability of life, of the fact thatpandemic has taken on our members. events beyond our control will oftenWe know that anxiety and depressionDespite the uncertainty surrounding the disrupt and frustrate even the best oflevels are up and will do whatever wepandemic, I truly believe we can all be intentions.can to make sure that the neededoptimistic about the prospects for our healing occurs. Read more aboutprofession, and our country, in 2021 So is the lesson of 2020 that planningresearch in this area on page 8. and beyond. That is why, as successful is a waste of time? Not at all. But theas our virtual 2020 Annual Meeting events of 2020 did vividly demonstrateOne way all of us can strengthen ourwas, we are planning to have our 2021 the need for resilience, for the abilitypractices from a clinical standpoint isAnnual Meeting take place in Miami. to quickly pivot in the face of new,to take advantage of the impressiveOf course, as we have learned all too unexpected circumstances. And thatamount of content from our first everwell, plans do not always end up being is exactly what your Academy did. WeVirtual Annual Meeting that is stillrealized. But as we have also learned, pivoted almost immediately to havingavailable. Because of the online naturethe American Academy of Periodontology AAP staff members work from home.of the meeting, attendees can accessis exceptionally resilient and capable We pivoted to doing virtual training,ALL the content at their convenienceof stepping up to handle whatever life virtual committee meetings and virtualthrough Nov. 6, 2021. Read morethrows our way. task force meetings. We pivoted toabout the success of our inaugural providing the necessary guidancevirtual meeting on page 14. On behalf of our Board of Trustees, I and materials so you could educatewould like to wish you a very successful your patients about how to protectAnd if you missed the Virtual Annual2021, and to assure you that your their health during the pandemic. WeMeeting, its not too late. RegistrationAcademy will continue to do everything in pivoted to holding a virtual Annualwill remain open through Jan.our power to make that possible.Meeting, which in many ways was one30. Remember: the 2020 Virtual of the most successful meetings inAnnual Meeting will count towardsJames G. Wilson, DDS our history. You can learn more aboutthe attendance requirement forPresident, American Academy of 2020 highlights on page 6. Yet with allActive and Associate members. ThePeriodontologythat pivoting, we also avoided losingvirtual meeting provides an excellent any momentum with our long-rangeopportunity to continue to hone your strategic plan, and we continued toskills and help tout your expertise to pursue important initiatives related toreferring colleagues.hygiene, pre-doctoral training, newSpeaking of referrals, I believe that science, a ten-year review of oureach of us has a wonderful opportunity specialty, and more.to boost referrals to our own AAP Periospectives| 5"