b'2. The AAP Annual Meeting goes virtual. outdated classified ads, the Career Center allows For the first time in its 105-year history, membersmembers just starting out in practice to upload a of the AAP did not meet in person at the Annualresume or CV at no cost and search available job Meeting. Because COVID-19 restrictions would notpostings. Members looking for an associate or to allow the AAP to put on a meeting to the standardssell a practice can take out a fully searchable ad and expectations of its members, the Board ofand increase results with various add-on features. Trustees decided in May to move to a virtual format.For more information, visit careers.perio.orgIn November, over 2,700 attendees from around the5. Periodontal science remains at the forefront globe logged on to view compelling live continuingof the AAPs strategic initiatives.education courses, access on-demand sessions, visit the online Exhibit Hall, and participate in the virtualSupporting periodontal science is fundamental to Corporate Forum.the success of the Academy. In 2020, the AAP spearheaded several activities that demonstrate 3. Sister organization the AAP Foundationits ongoing commitment to advancing scientific celebrates its 30 thanniversary. understanding of periodontal disease and its In 2020, the AAP Foundation commemoratedtreatment including the appointment of the Task 30 years of being committed to supporting theForce on Future Science, the creation of additional specialty of periodontology by increasing public andresources on the updated disease classification, professional understanding of periodontal diseasesand the launch of the Journal of Periodontology and their therapies, inspiring basic and clinicalpodcast series.research, and enhancing educational programsWhile 2020 was certainly a year to remember, the to create future periodontal leaders. To makeAcademy looks forward to 2021 and all that it has an end-of-year gift to the AAP Foundation, visitplanned to continue to champion member success periofoundation.org. and represent the community for all periodontists. 4. Online Career Center launches.In September, the AAP launched an updated and more robust online Career Center. Replacing the AAP Periospectives| 7'