b'SCIENCE & INNOVATIONNow available: A stunning new staging and grading videoA new video explaining how to stage and grade a patient in accordance with the 2018 periodontal disease classification, which was made possible through the generous support of Johnson & Johnson Consumer, Inc., is now available on perio.org.Developed by the AAPs Task Force on Disease Classification Integration, the video provides an outstanding visual and audio explanation of how to assess and interpret clinical and radiographic findings in order to determine the appropriate stage and grade for a patient with a diagnosis of periodontitis, said Dr. Mike Mills, Chair of the Task Force. Dr. Mike Lynch, Global Director, Oral Health Scientific Engagement for Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., believes that the creation of this video will help increase awareness of the new classification framework, will make use of the system seem less intimidating, and will drive clinicians to the proceedings published online to learn more. The video explains how the disease classification was developed, factors that are included in staging and grading, the three steps to stage and grade a patient, clinical information needed to properly stage and gradeeducational resource for all dental care providers and dental school a patient, and provides an overview of the fourfaculty who are always seeking more effective ways to teach staging stages and three grades. and grading to their students. The video is also basic enough to Through the exceptional graphics and concise,help explain to patients the fundamentals of staging and grading, straightforward voiceover, this video takes theand why it is useful in their treatment plan. Perhaps one of the complexities of the staging and grading processmost important messages for the audience comes at the end of the and presents it in a way that is easily understood.video which emphasizes the overall importance of the staging and The script was developed by the Task Force, whograding in developing a personalized approach to patient care and then worked with XVIVO, a medical animationa comprehensive treatment strategy based on the patients specific and media studio, to finalize the graphics andneeds, said Dr. Mills. As a periodontist himself, Dr. Lynch said that he production of the video. Dr. Mills believes thatis confident a much greater awareness of the new system will happen the video will definitely serve as an outstandingbecause of the video being disseminated to AAP members, as well as the broader dental community. That, in turn, will lead to greater AAP Periospectives| 36'