b'Dr. Wilson hopes that members will take advantage of the vast amount of content from the meeting that will be available to them online throughout the year for individual study or for use in study clubs involving referring dentists. Another key item on Dr. Wilsons agenda will be enhancing the working relationship between AAP periodontists and the dental hygienists in their local communities. An AAP study shows that hygienists play a large role in the referral relationship, and I feel its essential for our members to be the ones that hygienists are looking to as the experts in periodontal disease management, periodontal plastic surgeries, and dental implant surgeries. said Dr. Wilson. Instead of focusing on a global outreach to the hygiene profession, I feel the Academy must provide the tools our One of the things that makes Dr. Wilsons ascent to the AAPmembers need to educate and cultivate relationships within presidency unique is the fact that he didnt serve on anytheir local hygiene community.Ultimately I want AAP AAP committees before joining the Board of Trustees. Inmembers to be viewed as the local experts by the hygienists retrospect, it would have been ideal to have had committeewho can eventually help them put patients in their chairs.experience, he said. But if you have a volunteer mentality and are willing to work hard, anything is possible. Dr. Wilson resides in Tampa with his wife, Casey and their four sons Nicholas, Chancellor, Justice, and Palmer. When As he looks to the future, Dr. Wilsons number one priorityasked if he thinks one of his sons might be destined to for his term is making sure the Academy does everythingbe the president of a professional association one day, he it can to help members survive and emerge successfullylaughed and said, Well, that would certainly be somethingfrom the COVID-19 pandemic. I especially want to makeespecially if its the AAP! sure that our younger members have the benefit of the Academys resources and the experience of our more experienced members.One critical aspect of the pandemic that must be addressed, said Dr. Wilson, is the emotional and psychological toll it has taken on AAP members and affiliates around the world. Most practices seem to be doing well enough financially, but theres still a lot of healing that needs to occur, he said. Youve got anxiety related to your yourself and your staff, anxiety related to your patients, and anxiety related to your family. Thats a lot for anyone to deal with, particularly for our younger members with children at home.Dr. Wilson was very pleased with the recently completed virtual Annual Meeting, and praised the efforts of AAP staff and Board members involved in its planning and production. My sense is that it exceeded the expectations many of our members had for both the quality of the program and the level of engagement they were able to have, he said. While it of course would have been great to have met in person, the ability to have the meeting viewed by so many people globally made our world a little smaller, and as a result, the overall impact of the meeting was perhaps the greatest its ever been.AAP Periospectives| 11'