b'YEAR IN REVIEWThanksWhen the Board of Trustees made the difficult decision to pivot the Annual Meeting to a virtual format, it was also determined that a group of volunteers was needed to help guide decisions related to continuing education programming to the Virtualand format. A subcommittee of the Continuing Education Oversight Committee (CEOC) led by CEOC Chair Dr. Purnima Kumar was appointed and charged with selecting continuing Annual Meetingeducation session topics, securing speakers, determining the most relevant and compelling method of delivering CE content, and providing counsel on the virtual meeting Subcommittee platform. In addition, these four dedicated AAP members were called on to serve as ambassadors of the AAPs first ever Annual Meeting by encouraging their periodontal colleagues to log-on in November.The AAP thanks the Virtual Annual Meeting Subcommittee for its helpful dedication to making the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting a success.Purnima Kumar, Bobby Butler Nick Caplanis Pamela McClainChairAAP Periospectives| 16'