b"B Y D R . S T E P H E N M E R A WtoPRESIDENT'S MESSAGELet me begin by saying how honored I amAs a perfect example, this issues featured to begin my term as AAP President. Thisarticle is about AAP member Dr. Stephanie organization has meant so much to me overGanter. This year, Dr. Ganter traveled the course of my career. Its my mission toto Poland to provide dental services to ensure that our past, present, and futureUkrainian refugees. In addition to this periodontists can rely on the AAP as much asamazing work, Dr. Ganter also shares the I have.volunteer work she does in her home state of Texas (read more on pg. 6).The Academy recently wrapped up another successful Annual Meeting, this time in AustinAnd speaking of practicing beyond the (see some photos on pg. 8). Its such a greatpractice, the AAP proudly launched our opportunity to see the AAPs impact live andlong-awaited Dental Hygiene Engagement in-person. When I ask my fellow membersInitiative. The goal of this program is to what they love most, the answer is almostposition periodontists as mentors for unanimous- they love the sharing of newdental hygienists through a combination of science, research, and techniques that arestudy club materials and opportunities for driving our specialty forward. recognition (learn more on pg. 26)I also personally enjoy meeting with ourI hope you are excited as I am about youngest members, and the future ofthe year ahead. It promises to be one periodontology, at events such as our LEADfilled with new innovations, science, and reception. Since the Leadership, Engagement,research, and it is our members who make Action, and Development program launchedthat all possible. in 2017, it has seen 88 participants. This program gives periodontists who are new to the specialty the chance to meet with currentSincerely,AAP leaders, cultivate the necessary skills to ensure success, and inspire a commitmentDr. Stephen Meraw to advance the profession both inside andGrosse Pointe, MI outside of the practice. President American Academy of PeriodontologyAAP Periospectives| 5"