b'Perio Batting Average which changes as youperiod. Combined, over 2,000 questions were answered by answer questions. While you will see your MDTthe pilot participants.assessment fluctuate as you answer questionsFaiella: The ABP surveyed pilot participants twice during correctly or incorrectly, ABPerio Minute is designedthe pilot period and received positive feedback. Some of the for self-assessment only and is intended for yoursurvey findings include:own knowledge enhancement. 90% of the pilot participants felt the platform was intuitive What makes the ABPerio Minuteto useplatform unique?98% felt the content was clearFaiella: ABPerio Minute optimizes methods such 94% responded that the key points provided in the as spaced study, frequent assessment that requirescontent were extremely usefulinformation retrieval, and immediate feedback. All 88% found the format for the reference was useful for of these techniques have been proven effective forfurther studyadult learning in evidence-based reviews. Research 82% preferred the ABPerio Minute concept of answering has shown that longitudinal assessment is thea fixed number of questions each year to enhance their best way to help Diplomates maintain in-depthknowledge rather than a single point in time examknowledge and proficiency. Powell: Research in cognitive psychology and More than 90% said the questions were relevant to their neuroscience has advanced the understandingpractice, were useful learning tools, and helped them stay of how the human brain stores and retrievescurrent in periodontal and implant surgeryinformation and how learning and memory can be 82% responded that ABPerio Minute will help them strengthened and reinforced. We now know thatprovide better care to their patientsmany of the traditional methods used to study and reinforce learning are counterproductive andWhat happens next?that dynamic, adaptive, and formative assessmentPalaiologou Gallis: In 2024, we will conduct a beta methods like ABPerio Minute are significantly moretest of the platform. Diplomates due for maintenance of effective. certification in 2024, and ABP Directors and Examiners will be required to participate in ABPerio Minute throughout the How has ABPerio Minute been developedyear. In addition, Diplomates who completed maintenance and evaluated? of certification requirements in 2023 and Diplomates who Palaiologou Gallis: The Board of Directorsparticipated in the pilot study were invited to participate in approved a pilot test of the platform in 2023. Tothe beta test in 2024. In 2025, ABPerio Minute will be rolled build content, the ABP recruited item writers andout to all Diplomates. reviewers. We are grateful to the following peopleFaiella: ABPerio Minute is just one component of the who served in these roles: Ramzi Abou-Arraj; Darronnew continuing certification model. There will no longer Alvord; Jennifer Bain; Leslie Batnick; Grishondrabe a stand-alone exam offered once every six years. Branch-Mays; Hsun-Liang (Albert) Chan; TriciaInstead, starting in 2025, all Diplomates will participate Crosby; Caitlin Darcey; John Decker; Douglas Dixon;in this continuing certification process and will have Benjamin Duval; Kerri Font; Arnold Freedman; Mariayearly requirements over each six-year certification cycle. Geisinger; Nicolaas Geurs; Y. Natalie Jeong; ClaraDiplomates will still be required to accumulate continuing Kim; David Kim; Binnaz Leblebicioglu; Paul Levi;education activity points and provide an attestation of good Guo-Hao (Alex) Lin; Keith Merchant; Thiago Morelli;standing with all licensing boards and other governing John Mumford; Mary Neill; Jessica Owens; Charlesagencies. The ABP Board of Directors is confident that Powell; Harjit Sehgal; Harlan Shiau; Daniel Shin;ABPerio Minute is the best tool available to support Brian Stancoven; Sejal Thacker; John Thousand, IV;Diplomates in their lifelong learning.In support of this, Alexandra Tsigarida; Ricardo Vidal; Roger Warren;the Board approved the elimination of the maintenance of and Robin Weltman.certification fee beginning in 2024. The pilot study included 100 participants who wereWe look forward to sharing this innovative tool with all asked to answer 30 questions over a two-monthDiplomates and welcome feedback and comments.AAP Periospectives| 45'