b'2024 ABP ANNUAL REGISTRATION IS OPENThe American Board of Periodontology 2024 annual registration is now open. The ABP Board of Directors approved a slight increase in the annual registration rate, to $325. This is the first increase in registration rates since 2017. The Board works diligently to manage expenses while also providing quality services to Diplomates. Diplomates are asked to complete the annual registration process by January 15, 2024.The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the launch of a new continuing certification process for Diplomates. ABPerio Minute is a new lifelong learning platform that will replace the current maintenance of certification exam for Diplomates. ABPerio Minute will be available through a website or mobile app and presents brief multiple-choice questions on relevant periodontology topics. Each question is designed to be answered in one minute and provides a rationale, key points, and links to reference materials. In 2024, the ABP will run a year-long beta test if the platform for a small cohort of Diplomates. Full rollout of the platform to all Diplomates will(pictured: Drs. Jeffrey Rossmann; Angela occur in 2025. Palaiologou Gallis; Alexandra Kennedy; and 2023 MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATIONRobert Faiella)EXAMINATION NEW DIPLOMATE BROCHURES The 2023 Maintenance of Certification ExaminationAVAILABLE(previously known as the Self-Study Recertification Program)The ABP is pleased to offer for purchase a is available to Diplomates who are required to recertify innewly redesigned Diplomate tri-fold brochure. 2023. Diplomates may register for the examination via theThe brochure is ideal for display in your Diplomate portal on the Boards website, www.abperio.orgreception area and provides your patients with The examination must be completed by Dec. 31, 2023. useful information about the value of seeing 2023 LESLIE M. SALKIN AWARDa board-certified periodontist. Brochures are available in a standard format, or, for a small Dr. Leslie M. (Mike) Salkin served as a Director of theadditional, one-time fee, may be customized American Board of Periodontology from 1995 to 2001.with your information. For the customized Following his last year as a Director he returned every yearversion, you may add your office contact to assist the Board on the Oral Examination as an Examinerinformation on the back of the brochure. until his death in November 2013. The Board establishedYou may also replace the cover photo with the Leslie M. Salkin Award to honor his many years ofyour own high-resolution head shot photo, exceptional service to the ABP. The award is presented eachor you may opt to add both customization year to the candidate who earns the highest score on the Oraloptions. For more information, please contact Examination. The board is pleased to announce Alexandrathe ABP Office 312-682-0919 or staff@Ricker Kennedy, DDS, MS, of Tyler, Texas as the 2023abperio.orgSalkin Award recipient. The award was presented during the 2023 AAP Annual Meeting.AAP Periospectives| 46'