b'A YEAR IN REVIEWDr Stephen Meraw Continued from page 11back to safely treating patients again, our strategyHow does your service on the AAP Board of Trustees, and and efforts were specific to moving our statenow AAP President, differ from your role as a practitioner and government. What happened in other groups andeducator? What are the challenges and what are the rewards?areas were important, but our mission was veryMy service as president, and on the AAP Board of Trustees differs from specific to our members in this case. my work as a practitioner and educator in that I must take a much more You wear many different hats in the field ofglobal view than only my individual experiences and perspective. Some periodontology. How do you manage yourof the issues that arise may be more specific to events in other parts roles as AAP President, private practitioner,of the country, or even opportunities working with periodontal leaders and faculty member of the University ofin other countries. However, my work as a practitioner and educator Michigan School of Dentistry? provides valuable insight and perspective toward helping our members who generally deal with the same day-to-day issues, especially being For me its a lifestyle and not a matter of howinvolved with helping to train many periodontists from around the many hats I wear. I am grateful that others seecountry and many other countries for the past 25 years. Moreover, value in my contributions, and I continue to haveserving on the AAP Board of Trustees for many years has allowed me to opportunities to be impactful. I try to build myknow periodontists from all over the country who Im able to call on for legacy daily throughout my life instead of waitinghelp with relevant issues. I think this type of professional network is of until I retire or later. Like many people I enjoy thegreat benefit toward leading the Academy.satisfaction of completing a job well done, and value the many experiences that life has to offer. I am alsoChallenges for this year include delivering value for each of our very fortunate to have a family that understandsmembers. Many of our members will benefit from our new Hygiene and supports my passions, in addition to two otherStudy Club that will be helpful for their practices. I also expect benefits periodontists in my practice who watch over thefrom our ongoing collaboration with the Academy of Osseointegration office when Im away, Drs. Alexandra Plonka andwherein our members will have the latest science and recommendations Andrea Lopez-Torres. to assist them in their day-to-day treatment of peri-implantitis, an area that I personally feel no one handles better than a periodontist. Further, As I was completing my periodontics residency,we are on a path to set records for our annual meeting in San Diego! I was hired by Dr. Martha Somerman to join theThese goals are attainable, but it will take efforts from everyone within faculty at the University of Michigan. She assembledour periodontal community to achieve them. a great department and I learned much in my first few years. However, one of the lasting lessons thatWhile there are many challenges for this current year, there are also Martha gave me was when I decided to transition torewards. Our profession will not take care of itself. As professionals full-time private practice. She told me to rememberit is our responsibility to take care of our profession and make it the how important academics is to the profession andbest possible. There are many of our legends who took care of our that I still had much to contribute, not just in privateprofession and turned it over to us in a healthy position. It is a true practice. I think the bigger picture for me is tohonor to be trusted with this responsibility to lead our organization contribute in as many ways as possible. All of thesethis year. Few people get this opportunity, but it is a highlight of my experiences bring me value, whether connectingprofessional career.with a patient, a student, or a colleague workingOther than periodontology, what are some of your passions?to make good decisions for the organization on the issues of the day. I was even heartened last year toCurrently some of my passions include travel, spending time with my find out that one of the local high school studentsfamily, and summer weekends at the lake. My wife, Tracy and I have who I had shadow in my practice for their Healthstarted to travel more since all of our kids are at university. We have Care Sciences class had written on her experienceone daughter (Ivy) in graduate school, and another daughter (Annette) with me as her final exam essay. She said that sheand son (Henry) at the University of Michigan for undergraduate studies. hoped to have the same qualities that she observedI have also been involved in adventure sports such as scuba diving, in me with my patients when she becomes a doctor.skydiving, white water rafting, and have run several half marathons. What a gift!AAP Periospectives| 12'