b'DIPLOMATE INTERVIEWmethods for adhering to these requirements. The American Board of Anesthesiology is a leader in this area and the ABP was able to become an early partner with them as they rolled out Dr. Faiella Dr. Palaiologou-Gallis Dr. Powell a white label customized platform of their successful learning platform, MOCA Minute. We are delighted that we were able to get in on the ground floor of this project and work closely to The American Board of Periodontology Board of Directors approvedcustomize the platform for our Diplomates.a transition from the current maintenance of certification process for Diplomates to a new longitudinal learning model known as ABPerioHow does ABPerio Minute work?Minute. ABP President, Dr. Angela Palaiologou-Gallis and ABP Immediate PastPalaiologou Gallis: ABPerio Minute can President Dr. Robert Faiella, are joined by Dr. Charles Powell, ABPbe accessed through a website or a mobile Interim Director, Continuing Certification, to explain the new continuousapp. Diplomates will be required to answer certification policy. 15 questions per quarter, for a total of 60 questions per year. Diplomates will be able to What is ABPerio Minute and why did the Board decide tomake up missed questions each quarter but will be required to complete 60 questions by make this change? Dec. 31 each year. Each question is timed to be Powell: ABPerio Minute is a user-friendly, lifelong learning platform thatanswered in one minute or less. The questions promotes and supports personalized knowledge acquisition, assessment,are focused on your walking around knowledge and demonstration of proficiencies with minimal time commitment.and are designed to keep Diplomates up to date Faiella: The ABP Board of Directors has been discussing ways to evolveon innovations and advancements in the science the maintenance of certification process for Diplomates for severalof periodontology and dental implant surgery.years. The requirements of the National Commission on Recognition ofPowell: The ABPerio Minute platform employs Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards state that all dental specialtyMeasurement Decision Theory (MDT), which certifying boards must require engagement in lifelong learning for theirestimates the probability that Diplomates are Diplomates and should encourage continuous quality improvement. Thekeeping their knowledge current based on the Board researched trends in medicine and other specialties to evaluatepattern of their responses. Think of this as your AAP Periospectives| 44'