b'AAP FOUNDATIONThe AAP Foundation at the AAP Annual MeetingThank you for your support!Thanks to all who engaged with the AAP Foundation at the AAPOur congratulations to all 2023 AAP Foundation Annual Meeting in Austin! Whether you stopped by the booth,award recipients:donated funds, bid on the silent auction, or attended a meeting or event, we appreciate you all. Without the support of people likeDr. D. Walter Cohen Teaching Awardyou, the AAP Foundation would not be able to award more thanDavid T. Wu, DMD, DMSc$300,000 annually to support periodontal education, research, and excellence.Dr. Colin Richman and Family Perio-Ortho Interface AwardThis years Silent Auction was a resounding success. The AAPSahar Dowlatshahi, DDS, MMScFoundation is grateful to the nearly 40 companies and individualsChenshuang Li, DDS, PhD, DMDthat donated goods and services to the auction. This years eventTun-Jan Wang, DDSraised more than $45,000 that will support the Foundations mission. Dr. Mark K. Setter Leadership in Periodontology And Dental Implantology AwardDrs. Rios, Gajendrareddy, Wu, and Barootchi demonstratedKathleen Chloe M. Mascardo, DMD, MMScreturn on donor investment at the 2023 Future Horizons in Periodontology session, a very well-attended study of RecentEducator ScholarshipAdvances in Bone Tissue Engineering. Ambassadors and StudentZhaozhao Chen, DDS, MS, PhDAmbassadors joined Foundation leadership to brainstorm ideas for the coming year at the 2023 Ambassador Breakfast.Halide Namli Kilic, DDS, MSD, PhDThe AAP Foundation again collaborated with the AAP to recognizeDr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Kramer Scholar Awardrecipients of AAP and AAP Foundation awards at a movingfor Excellenceawards ceremony.Julia Lacy, DMD, MSThis year, the AAP Foundation hosted a touching tribute to theThe Patty and Paul Levi Research Awardlate Dr. James T. Mellonig. More than 100 people, includingKayla Lieuw, BADr. Mellonigs wife, daughter, friends, and closest colleagues, gathered over an elegant meal to share stories and memories. Nevins Teaching and Clinical Research FellowshipIn true Texas style, the Foundation hosted a fundraising hoedownShayan Barootchi, DMD, MSfor nearly 300 people. With great food and cocktails, a lineNevins BioHorizons Fellowshipdancing instructor, photo booth, hats, and bandannas for all, we celebrated being together in Austin and the important work of theJennifer Chang, DDS, MSDAAP Foundation. Special thanks to Pacific Dental Services, TheThe AAP Foundation Schoor Research AwardAvenues Company, Geistlich, and Lynch Regenerative Medicine for their sponsorship of both the Dr. James T. Mellonig MemorialJulia Lacy, DMD, MSDinner and the AAP Foundation Hoedown.Bud and Linda Tarrson FellowshipOnce again, Treloar & Heisel sponsored a fascinating EstateBeatriz Bezerra, DDS, PhDPlanning Breakfast, with presentations from Michael Markhoff, attorney at Danziger & Markoff LLP and a well-respected estateTeaching Fellowshipplanning attorney, and Shawn Johnson from Treloar & HeiselRafael Siqueira, DDS, MS, PhDWealth Management. Our thanks to them for an informativeAdam D. Lietzan, DDS, MS, PhDsession with actionable steps. AAP Periospectives| 48'