b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKQ4 2024Advocacy CornerWe asked, you answered! Over the past two years the Academy has been surveying members to home in on how to best reach the AAP core value of advocating for the specialty within organized dentistry, dental education, and non-dental legislative bodies. Our next step will be launching the State and Regional Advocacy Update section in the 2024 editions of Periospectives. If you have contributions you would like to share with your AAP community, please do not hesitate to contact your District Trustees or email amanda@perio.org! Q2 2022Dr. Dan Thunell, Utahyou, your patients, or your profession at large. It is increasingly Each individual has to carry this mantleless about conventional lobbying and more about grass-in order for the Core Values of the AAProots reform through education, community outreach, and to become reality. What we want toleadership.achieve as an Academy and what we doQ1 2023Dr. Roger Robinson, achieve as an Academy comes down toFlorida what each individual is willing to give. No one from the Chicago headquarters is going to come to SaltOn behalf of my patients, my Lake City and enhance my practice, increase awarenesscommunity, and members of the Florida of me, and help me build relationships. Thats not theirAssociation of Periodontists, I have job. The Academy provides resources and tools, and Iparticipated in organized dentistry at the must use them to advocate for me and for our specialty asstate level through the FDA activities and a whole. events with the Northeast District Dental Association (NEDDA) as acting president dealing with regional concerns about Q3 2022Dr. Natalie Frost, Nebraska access to care issues. LEAD graduate, District 5 Trustee Q2 2023Dr. Giorgio DiVincenzo, New I strive to remain involved with local/ JerseyDistrict 7 Trusteeregional periodontal and non-periodontal societies. Doing so facilitates connectionAs a practicing periodontist I am aware to and support for all dental colleagues.that what affects dentists, affects us I volunteer with the Mission of Mercy,all, including every specialty group. I advocating the immense need for dental care for theam hopeful that periodontists will see the underserved and promoting oral health. value of ADA membership, and participation with ADPAC to keep our profession strong! We can only Q4 2022Dr. Adam Saltz, Maine achieve this when we are united.LEAD graduate Advocacy happens wherever and however it needs to. Theres no right way to give voice to issues that matter to AAP Periospectives| 20'