b'ANNUAL MEETINGThe best of the AAP- packed into oneexciting weekend!The AAPs 2023 Annual Meeting takes place in Austin this Nov. 9-12.The AAP Annual Meeting is the largest conference in Northclinical and basic research at the Research Forum Poster Session America dedicated exclusively to the field of periodontology.and Competition.This year, the Annual Meeting will be held in Austin and willEducators and Residents welcome thousands of periodontal professionals, dental students, periodontal residents, insurance experts, and hygienists with aThe Annual Meeting serves as the AAPs premier live-learning event range of programming and special events. and provides the opportunity for attendees to network with fellow Research periodontal specialists and attend world-class educational sessions. Educators are invited to a full-day workshop, sponsored by Phillips The Academys core values include championing innovativeOral Healthcare, focusing directly on topics related to predoctoral and ethical research to advance the science behind periodontaland postdoctoral studies. disease diagnosis, as well as educating the public to increaseRegistration is limited for the EV12: AAP/AAP Foundation/Osteology awareness of periodontal disease. The Annual Meeting aimsFoundation Regeneration Symposium: The Past, Present and Future to do just that, showcasing everything the AAP excels at. Thisof Bone Augmentation, supported by the AAP Foundation and the is the opportune time to see the latest periodontal researchOsteology Foundation with educational grants. Residents and new and science, learn something new and exciting, and shareperiodontists who have been awarded scholarships by the AAP, professional experiences with your peers.through the generous support of the AAP Foundation, will be in In 2023, some of the meetings most popular programming willattendance at the regeneration symposium.return, including the Robert J. Genco Perio-Systemic Symposium,Hygienists and office staff named in honor of the late Dr. Gencos groundbreaking work. The 2023 session will focus on Alzheimers disease and the role ofAmong the Academys core values is a commitment to offering inflammation and is sponsored by Crest + Oral B. continuing education and encouraging the unfettered dissemination Periodontal residents and recent graduates will present theirof knowledge among professionals to expand treatment options clinical and basic research at the Balint Orban Memorialand improve public health and safety. The AAP offers its members Competition sponsored by Specialty1 Partners. All researchersa wide array of assistance related to insurance reimbursement and in the field of periodontics will have a chance to present theirthird-party issues. AAP Periospectives| 8'