b'PERIO PEOPLEMeet the new Editor-in-Chief of JOP and CAP: Dr. Effie IoannidouClinician, scientist, and leader Dr. Effie Ioannidou hasthe American Association for Dental, Oral, been selected as the new Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of theand Craniofacial Research (AADOCR), and Journal of Periodontology (JOP) and Clinical Advancesdirector of the Dental Clinical Research Center in Periodontics (CAP). When searching for a newat UCONN Health, and she was associate Editor-in-Chief, the Academy interviewed manyeditor of JDR Clinical & Translational Research impressive candidates. The goal was to choose afrom 2017 through mid 2023. Her four-year person who possesses not only the ideal experienceappointment at the ADA Council on Scientific and knowledge, but also something extra that schoolingAffairs will come to an end this July.and work experience do not always give youpassion, enthusiasm, and a commitment to constant growth. Dr.Aside from her extensive past experiences Ioannidou is an individual who possesses all of these qualities. Sheand knowledge, Dr. Ioannidou brings a deep will assume her position on July 1, 2023.passion for scientific publishing and knowledge dissemination to the position of EIC. In outlining Dr. Ioannidou has a diverse educational background, having studied in bothher vision for the AAPs journals during the Greece and the United States. She earned her DDS at Aristotle University ofinterview process, she demonstrated a firm Thessaloniki in Greece, and completed her Master of Dental Science degreecommitment to helping researchers understand and her periodontal training at the University of Connecticut (UCONN). Shethat clinical relevance is what makes scientific has been a faculty member of UCONN School of Dental Medicine sincework significant and underscored her 2002, and currently serves as professor and interim chair of the Division ofphilosophy that the core priority of the AAPs Periodontology. Something that many individuals can easily notice about Dr.journals is to improve the oral and systemic Ioannidou as they get to know her is the desire to continue her growth at anhealth of the public.upward trajectory. This desire has led Dr. Ioannidou to be selected as chair of the Department of Orofacial Sciences at the University of California SanMembers can learn more about this new era for Francisco (UCSF), where she will begin her term on Aug. 1, 2023. the AAPs publications in upcoming issues of JOP and CAP and other AAP media. Being involved in multiple areas has allowed Dr. Ioannidou to make a positive impact on the field of periodontics. She is currently the president-elect of AAP Periospectives| 33'