b'YOUR MEMBERSHIPNew periodontistcornerLearn more about AAP member andpatients are far from thrilled to be seeing us, but we have new periodontist, Jenna Hyer, DDS.the power to turn that narrative around. Dr. Hyer graduated from the University of Texas - San Antonio in 2020. What/who inspires you?What made you choose the field ofMy co-residents, faculty, and colleagues all inspire me. periodontology? Im really lucky to work with two other graduates from my same residency who are like big brothers to me in the I have always been drawn to surgery as well as art. Mysense that they will always help me out but will also rat me favorite class was anatomy and physiology, and one of theout to our program director Dr. Mealey if I dont know the best parts of my job is being able to experience it firsthandauthor to a certain periodontal article. every day. I also love the delicate and artistic aspect of periodontal surgery.How do you stay up to date on periodontics?What is something you experienced that you did notI went to an amazing residency program at San Antonio, expect in the field of periodontology?and we share current literature every week. Otherwise, I go to AAP meetings, take CE on new topics, and keep up with In residency you look at graduation as an end point whendifferent techniques from my colleagues.really it is just the beginning. There were a lot of learning curves and challenges that came with entering privateOutside of work, what is the one thing you do every practice, especially in the middle of a pandemic. I learnday that brings you joy? something new every single day.Exercising definitely makes me happy and energized, and What is the most challenging part of your day? traveling is one of my biggest passions. Experiencing different countries and cultures is one of my biggest joys. I Managing difficult patients and/or surgical complications. Ispend a bit of time planning where I am going next! always hope for every patient to have a great experience and outcome, and its hard to not take things personally if thingsAny advice you would give to a periodontist that has dont go the ideal way. Ive learned all I can do is try again torecently graduated?make things right.Stick with what works for you, and dont compare yourself What is the most rewarding part of your day? to others. Take the extra 15 minutes on a procedure to do things correctly versus quickly. Be proud of your work!By far, my most fulfilling moments come from patients who share their surgical experiences were easier than they had anticipated. As dentists, we hear on a daily basis that AAP Periospectives| 28'