b'at the AAP Annual Meeting. Since then, thislearn how the peri-implant phenotype and cutting-edge session has grown from moderatetissue perfusion relate to long-term outcomes attendance to requiring a large room withand stability of adjacent tissues and dive into overflow seating accommodations. In additionthe relationship between patient-perceived to giving Foundation award recipients anotheresthetics and implant health.avenue to showcase their work, this innovative presentation demonstrates a strong return on theOur moderators bring their own investment donors have made in the AAPF. scientific experience to the table as well. As a clinician scientist, At this years Annual Meeting, the theme forDr. Gajendrareddy strives the Future Horizons in Periodontology session isto advance the knowledge Recent Advances in Bone Tissue Engineering,base of periodontics moderated by Drs. Hector Rios and Praveenand oral health care by Gajendrareddy. The two featured speakers arecontributing to basic science Drs. David Wu and Shayan Barootchi.and translational research in addition to the training of skilled, Dr. Wu, recipient of the AAPFs Educatorhigh caliber clinicians. His goal is Scholarship in 2022, will discussto translate findings into practical therapeutic MechanoregenerationElucidatingadvances. Dr. Reddys primary areas of the role of biomaterial viscoelasticityresearch interest are biomimetic approaches in tuning stem cell behavior forto tissue regeneration, wound healing, implant bone tissue engineering. Duringbiology, and health outcomes research. his discussion, Dr. Wu will review the role of biomaterial mechanicalDr. Hector Rios is an Adjunct properties on tuning stem cell behaviorClinical Associate Professor and help attendees understand the effectin the Department of of hydrogel viscoelasticity on modulating MSCPeriodontics and Oral spheroid migration, fusion, and differentiationMedicine at the University for bone formation. Attendees will also learn toof Michigan. Dr. Rios recognize the in vivo application of viscoelasticreceived his dental degree biomaterials for dental, oral, and craniofacialat the University of Valle, tissue regeneration. Cali-Colombia. He completed his periodontics residency at the Dr. Barootchi, 2022University of Michigan and earned recipient of the AAPFsan interdisciplinary PhD in Oral Biology and Schoor Research Award,Molecular Biology at the University of Missouri-will discuss ImmediateKansas City. He is a Diplomate of American implant therapy, currentBoard of Periodontology and maintains a understanding and theprivate practice limited to periodontics and relationship betweendental implants in Holland, Michigan. implant esthetics & health. Dr. Barootchi will help attendeesIf your schedule at this years Annual Meeting conceptualize and discuss traditional immediatewill allow, please consider joining us for Future implant placement into fresh extraction sockets,Horizons in Periodontology on Saturday, management of local tissues at the time ofNovember 11 at 10:45 a.m. We hope to see procedure and review what we have recentlyyou there!learned throughout longitudinal research of implants with novel technologies. Attendees will AAP Periospectives| 41'