b'As the links between periodontal and systemic diseaseswere successful, and several of my patients have benefited strengthen, the role of the periodontist becomesfrom our work. I currently serve as vice president of the increasingly important. You can be a real advocate forMDA and chair multiple state and district committees. I was patients oral and overall health and develop meaningfulnominated to serve as the District 1 Representative to the relationships through this process.ADAs New Dentist Committee and am thrilled to represent Maine at the national level. I formerly taught at the University Why did you pursue board certification? of New England and developed the predoctoral periodontal Board certification shows a commitment to lifelongcurriculum for Kansas City University as a faculty consultant. learning. I want my patients and community to knowIm scheduled to speak at several meetings this year, that I am up to date with the knowledge, skills, andincluding the New Hampshire Dental Society Annual Meeting, standards of periodontal and implant surgery.Yankee Dental Congress, and Seattle Study Club. I enjoy making a difference as a new leader.Tell us a little bit about your currentHow has board certification helped you as you practice and how you started. establish yourself in your community?I joined my current practice in the summer of 2020The periodontists at my practice are all board-certified. at the height of the pandemic. It was an atypical startIt reminds patients and referring dentists that we value to say the least. My dad was a general dentist in thecontinuing education and are committed to the highest level Portland area, so I actually grew up with the co- of care in periodontal and implant surgery. It has helped founders of my practice, Drs. John Corey and Peterforge new speaking opportunities and corporate affiliations Then. I would shadow them in high school or on collegeas a key opinion leader for EMS Dental and advisory board breaks. It means that much more to come full circle andmember for Curaden USA. work alongside them now. I am also on track to become a partner.Have you explored multi-specialty What has been your experience withcollaborations as part of your practice?establishing referral sources and findingI work almost daily with an interdisciplinary team. I work with new patients? orthodontists to manage hard and soft tissue deficiencies, In my first year out, I founded a study club for youngerprosthodontists to navigate larger reconstructions and/or Maine dentists focused on interdisciplinary collaborationesthetic cases, and endodontists to salvage periodontally and treatment planning. I created a robust programquestionable teeth. My study club has helped general with hands-on workshops, live surgical demonstrations,dentists in my area appreciate the benefits of multi-specialty and business development tracks. This helped garnercare and the outcomes they can produce for patients. Its new referrals, and in turn, new patients. I used thisexciting to work with such a talented group. I truly learn experience to launch a hybrid learning curriculum forsomething new every day. the Maine Dental Association (MDA) that dramaticallyWhat do you think is different about the increased the engagement and retention of dentistspractice of periodontics today?and allied team members in continuing education. My involvement in organized dentistry at the local andI think there has been a dramatic shift toward tooth retention. state levels allowed me to connect with other dentistsImplants are not the panacea they were once marketed and specialists more organically. Ive made wonderfulas. As we continue to see and manage peri-implantitis and friends along the way.peri-implant hard and soft tissue deficiencies, a greater effort Are you involved in outreach or advocacywill be made on tooth retention with conventional periodontal efforts in your area? Are you part ofsurgery. We are at a unique crossroads. organized dentistry organizations and doWhat is most useful for you as you start your you have an opportunity to speak? practice? I have worked to improve access to dental care andThe mentorship Ive received in residency and beyond has oral health literacy in Maine. I recently helped thebeen invaluable. Its important to have a little grace, as we MDA counteract measures to remove fluoride fromare all still learning. the public drinking supply in the Boothbay Region. We AAP Periospectives| 37'