b'2023 ORAL EXAMINATION in approximately one minute. Pilot participants will be required to The 2023 Oral Examination was held May 15, 2023, incomplete brief surveys to provide feedback on the platform.Raleigh. The following Periodontists served as ExaminersNEW DIPLOMATE BROCHURES AVAILABLEfor the 2023 Oral Examination. The Board is grateful for the commitment and dedication of all the Examiners who servedThe ABP is pleased to offer for purchase a newly redesigned this year. Diplomate tri-fold brochure. The brochure is ideal for display in your reception area and provides your patients with useful information ABP Directors: Drs. Robert Faiella; Joe Krayer; Paul Luepke;about the value of seeing a board-certified periodontist. Brochures Rodrigo Neiva; Angela Palaiologou Gallis; Charles Powell;are available in a standard format, or, for a small additional, one-time Craig Yonemura; Rich Kao; Leena Palomo; Bryan Frantz; andfee, may be customized with your information. For the customized Angelo Mariotti. version, you may add your office contact information on the back ABP Examiners: Drs. Ramzi Abou-Arraj; Srinivasof the brochure. You may also replace the cover photo with your Ayilavarapu; Jennifer Bain; Steven Blanchard; Mitchell Bloom;own high-resolution head shot photo, or you may opt to add both Grishondra Branch-Mays; Joseph Califano; Hsun-Liang Chan;customization options to the brochure. For more information, please Caitlin Darcey; Douglas Dixon; John Dmytryk; Ben Duval; Robertlog into your Diplomate portal at www.abperio.orgEber; Irina Dragan; Kerri Font; Arnold Freedman; Thu Getka;2023 MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION Nicolaas Geurs; Yusuke Hamada; Margaret Hill; Vincent Iacono;EXAMINATIONY. Natalie Jeong; James Katancik; Thomas Kepic; Clara Kim; Wayne Kye; Binnaz Leblebicioglu; Guo-Hao (Alex) Lin; ScottThe 2023 Maintenance of Certification Examination (previously Mackey; John Mumford; Srinivas Rao Myneni Venkatasatya;known as the Self-Study Recertification Program) is available to Mary Neill; Tae-Ju Oh; David Paquette; Carlos Parra; MabelDiplomates who are required to recertify in 2023. Diplomates may Salas; Hector Sarmiento; Harjit Sehgal; Harlan Shiau; Dimitrisregister for the examination via the Diplomate portal on the Boards Tatakis; Ricardo Vidal; and Roger Warren.website, www.abperio.orgABP LAUNCHES PILOT STUDY FOR2023 ELECTIONSDIRECTORS OF THE ABPCONTINUOUS CERTIFICATION The ABP encourages all Active and Life Active members of the Academy to In 2022 the ABP began to explore a novel platform for usereview the qualifications of the candidates for ABP Director and to cast a ballot in continuing certification. This platform, developed by thein the annual Academy elections. Diplomates interested in running for ABP American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA), has been in use byDirector may access more information on the Academys website. Information the ABA for continuing certification since 2016. The platformon ABP Nominating Committee positions may also be obtained from the AAPtakes advantage of methods such as spaced study, frequentor from your District Trustee.assessment that requires information retrieval, and immediateUPDATE YOUR PROFILE AND IMPROVE YOUR VISIBILITYfeedback, all of which have been proven effective for adult learning in evidence-based reviews. The platform alsoDid you know the Find a Board-Certified Periodontist is the most visited page provides the opportunity to disseminate new game-changingon the ABPs website? Make sure you are visible by adding a profile photo and knowledge as it emerges. website address. Do you have multiple offices? We can help you with those listings. Contact the ABP Office if you have any questions or need assistance In October 2022 the ABP Directors approved a pilot projectupdating your profile.to evaluate the effectiveness of using this platform for Diplomates, which the ABP has branded as the ABPerioIMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINESMinute. The pilot study, which includes a small, randomized group of Diplomates, will run from July through September October 31, 2023: 2024 Oral Examination Registration Deadlinethis year. Pilot participants will be asked to answer ten November 20, 2023: 2024 Qualifying Examination Registration Deadlinemultiple choice questions per month during the three-January 2226, 2024: 2024 Qualifying Examinationmonth pilot period. ABPerio Minute is designed to be April 29May 3, 2024: 2024 Oral Examinationminimally invasive with each question timed to be completed 2022-2023 Board of Directors Executive StaffRobert A. Faiella, DMD, MMSc, MBA; President Jeffrey A. Rossmann, DDS, MS; Director, Examinations Angela Palaiologou-Gallis, DDS, MS; Vice President Eileen G. Loranger, Executive Director Craig Yonemura, DDS, MS; Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Robinette, Credentialing Program ManagerCharles A. Powell, DDS, MS; Immediate Past President Katy Englehart, Associate Executive DirectorJoe Krayer, DDS, MS 312-682-0919Rodrigo E.F. Neiva, DDS, MS staff@abperio.org Paul Luepke, DDS, MS www.abperio.orgLeena Bahl Palomo, DDS, MSDRichard T. Kao, DDS, PhDBryan J. Frantz, DMD, MSAngelo Mariotti, DDS, PhD AAP Periospectives| 35'