b'COVER STORYAdvocating for the specialtycommittee is made up of AAP members who are delegates or alternates for the ADA House of Delegates (HOD), with the goal of exerting periodontal influence where it is applicable. The committee meets every fall after the ADA releases their resolutions for the upcoming HOD meeting, held in conjunction with the ADA Annual Meeting. The AAP also holds a breakfast each year at the ADA Annual meeting to discuss the resolutions the AAP supports, opposes, is neutral on, and/or whether the Academy will provide testimony. Periodontists who are delegates or alternates are invited to the breakfast. If you are interested in contributing to this committee, the Academy accepts volunteer applications every year. Another element of advocacy is recognizing when something is unfair and doing what you can to help fix it, or at least contribute to fixing it. For example, the Academy received an alert on Sept. 1, 2022, to support a Massachusetts Ballot Initiative that would Increase awarenessestablish a medical loss ratio (MLR) for all dental plans in the state. Academy representatives attended an of periodontal andOrganized Dentistry Coalition meeting to discuss the campaign in-depth. Between Sept. 28 and Oct. 3, AAP peri-implant health. Trustees sent communications to their constituents supporting the initiative, including information about how to directly contribute to the campaign. The Board In previous issues of Periospectives, we have touched upon advocacy andof Trustees authorized a donation of $10,000 to the awareness, most notably with the addition of the Advocacy Corner. But whatMassachusetts Dental Care Providers for Better Dental do advocacy and awareness really mean in regard to periodontology? AndBenefits Committee for the purpose of supporting how can AAP members be involved with advocacy efforts? Massachusetts Ballot Question 2. The ballot initiative was successful and now provides a road map for other One of the AAPs core values states that the Academy advocates for thestates seeking MLRs.specialty within organized dentistry, dental education, and non-dental legislative bodies. These efforts can take many forms including partnershipsThe Academys advocacy efforts go beyond legislation, with allied organizations, financial support for legislation, developmentalas the AAP strives to reach underserved individuals and programs, systems of recognition, the sharing of research, and much more.medical communities. An example of the organizations nimbleness and responsiveness to a federal call for One element of advocacy is having a seat at the table. District 7 Senioraction was the Healthy People 2030 free webinar: Trustee, Dr. Giorgio DiVincenzo, is the current Chair of the American DentalReducing Moderate or Severe Periodontal Political Action Committee (ADPAC), a significant ADA leadership role.Disease in Adults. This webinar was focused on ADPAC is the ADAs nonpartisan political action committee that works tothe Federal Oral Health Objective to Reduce the elect and support pro-dental candidates. It serves as the bipartisan voice forproportion of adults aged 45 years and over with thousands of dentists. Learn more about Dr. DiVincenzos path to leadershipmoderate and severe periodontitis. Hosted by the and advocacy tools in the Advocacy Corner on page 13.AAP, in collaboration with the American Institute of Dental Public Health, and moderated by the Veterans While ADPAC is on a national legislative stage, the AAP also has a committeeHealth Administration, the webinar took place on Nov. focused on organized dentistry policies: the ADA Liaison Committee. This16, 2022. With more than 240 medical professionals AAP Periospectives| 6'