b'I am confused as to what code to use whenD7956 guided tissue regeneration, edentulous I am extracting a tooth and performingarearesorbable barrier per site, and D7957 regeneration procedures. Since the tooth isguided tissue regeneration edentulous areapresent initially, are periodontal bone graft andnon-resorbable barrier, per site. These codes membrane codes used?should be used when no tooth is present when the bone graft is placed. Bone growth is to create This continues to be a point of confusion sincesufficient bone in an edentulous area. This would the new codes were announced. Lets look atinclude after extraction of a tooth or removal of regenerative procedures and the appropriate codesan implant where the socket or extraction site in certain circumstances.requires a membrane for adequate bone growth First, there are two types of guided tissuefor later treatment such as used with D7953 regeneration that can be used: resorbable andbone replacement graft for ridge preservationnon-resorbable. This is true for all guided tissueper site. The codes would also be used if sinus procedures.augmentation is done. This has not changed in the periodontal categoryThis can be confusing, but the bottom line is since D4266 guided tissue regeneration, naturalthis: if the bone graft is placed around a tooth, teethresorbable barrier, per site and D4267D4266 or D4267 should be used. If the bone graft guided tissue regeneration, natural teethnon- is placed around an implant, D6106 or D6107 resorbable barrier, per site are still present. If youshould be used. If the bone graft is placed in an compare the current code nomenclature withedentulous area, D7956 or D7957 is appropriate. that of past years, the only difference is that itLook at where the bone is being placed when the clearly states that these codes are used only formembrane is positioned. The code has nothing to regenerative procedures involving natural teeth.do with what was there at any time previously, only This would primarily be for teeth with bone losswhat the anatomy is at that specific time. This will from periodontitis but could also be used if thehelp to determine the correct code. If you have any membrane is used in conjunction with a rootquestions or need clarification about the use of the amputation which requires regeneration around thenew codes, the AAPs Third-Party Specialist and remaining tooth, or any procedure that results inDr. Marie Schweinebraten, the AAPs Insurance bone growth around a natural tooth.Consultant, are always available to help. If an implant requires regeneration, whether this is when the implant is placed or for peri-implantitis defects, there are now two codes to describe the procedure. Resorbable or non-resorbableSubmit your third-party questions membranes may be used and there are codesto insurance@perio.org. for both: D6106 guided tissue regenerationMembers with coding questions -resorbable barrier, per implant and D6107 guidedor difficulties with insurance tissue regenerationnon-resorbable barrier, perclaims can also contact Michelle implant. Note, however, that these codes are notFlesch, at 312-573-3241 or per site, but per implant involved. They would beemail michellef@perio.orgused concurrently with D6104 bone graft at time of implant placement or D6103 bone graft for repair of peri-implant defectdoes not include flap entry and closure. A third category of regenerative codes is found in the oral and maxillofacial surgery category. Again, there are two codes for regeneration since the membrane can be resorbable or non-resorbable. AAP Periospectives| 19'