b' AAP District Representation Map, Perio Representationlisting current AAPmembers who represent periodontology in other organizations Student Loan Legislationa message from the ADA Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, and the American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC). For the Academy to uphold its core value of advocacy, communication is essential. District Town Halls are a productive and constructive across the U.S. in attendance. SpeakersHealthy People 2030 free webinar isway in which AAP members can meet with their included Dr. Annaliese Cothron (AIDPH)available through the AAPs e-LearningTrustees virtually. The Town Halls serve two and Dr. Brian Mealey, 2022 Gold Medalcenter. main purposes: to give members the opportunity Recipient, who presented on behalf of theAvailable now on perio.org is an Advocacyto bring awareness of local legislation to their AAP, and moderators Drs. Tim Ricks andTrustees and to provide members the opportunity Patricia E. Arola. The webinar tied backResources section. Resources include: to have a dialogue with their Trustees. Each to the Academys goals and objectives, Advocating for Perioa quarterly updateTown Hall is unique, with District Trustees having specifically, Objective 2: Advocate onof how the Academy is advocating forthe ability to curate the topics and presenters behalf of the specialty, and Objective 4:the specialty and how your membershipbased on member feedback. Members like you Increase awareness of periodontal andstrengthens the AAP and the periodontalcan communicate with your Trustees about the peri-implant health. Through this webinar,profession Academy and how the Academy can better we were able to reach individuals acrosssupport you. The next round of Town Halls will the medical community to reinforce Organized Dentistry Coalition Lobbyingtake place in the Fall. Be on the lookout for the the importance of the periodontist inLetterscreated so that the dentalregistration emails from your District Trustees. addressing overall patient health. Theprofession could speak with one voice from a business perspectiveAAP Periospectives| 7'