b"B Y J A M E S G . W I L S O N , D M DtoPRESIDENT'S MESSAGECamaraderie and collaborationI am very excited to see my friends, colleagues, andAn in-person experience will allow us to celebrate fellow AAP members at the AAP Annual Meetingthe 2021 AAP award winners at a ceremony on the in Miami Beach this coming November. With all theevening of Thursday, November 4. The following uncertainty still surrounding COVID I want to addressday will feature a special symposium honoring a few things. the work and research of periodontal pioneer Dr. Robert J. Genco (see the callout on page 7). Im People are nervous, which is normal; what isntalso looking forward to renewing and strengthening normal is a loss in trust in our institutions suchour partnerships with our industry allies. The return as the media, state and federal governments, andto an in-person meeting means that attendees even the healthcare industry. I see these conflictswill once again be able to meet face to face with play out in my home state of Florida on a consistentindustry suppliers and sponsors in the exhibit hall. basis. With a mountain of conflicting and even false information finding its way into the conversationAn in-person gathering allows for collaboration through social media and other online vehicles, I feelagain, and the 2021 meeting will feature courses it is very important to reiterate the following: Theheld in partnership with allied dental organizations AAP is a community of periodontal health expertsfrom across the country and the world. On who root decisions in science, data, and research.Thursday, Nov. 4, a special symposium titled The AAP Annual Meeting is no different. EV12: AAP/AAP Foundation/Osteology Foundation Regeneration Symposium: Managing Complications Every CDC-recommended step will be taken at theRelated to Regenerative Therapy Around Teeth Annual Meeting to avoid the spread of COVID-19,and Implants will be held in partnership with the but the most important step we can all take is oneAAP Foundation and Osteology Foundation. Then of personal responsibility. If you are able to geton Friday, Nov. 5 attendees are invited to attend vaccinated, it is strongly recommended that you doFCE2: Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Defects Around so. If you are feeling ill, please get tested beforeAnterior Implants, presented in collaboration traveling to the meeting. By taking simple stepswith our Spanish colleagues from SEPA (read such as wearing masks, staying six feet apart, andInternational update on page 36). washing our hands, the Annual Meeting will be a safe and positive experience for everyone. Please enjoy this special Annual Meeting edition of Periospectives. I hope to see you this November This year will be special for a number of reasons.4-7 in Miami Beach!Not only is it the first time this many AAP members will be convening in person in two years, but weJames G. Wilson, DMD will also be convening in a very unique destination.President Miami Beach is an island characterized by fineAmerican Academy of Periodontologydining, beautiful beaches, and dozens of intimate, art deco hotels. The AAP has partnered with many of these hotels so that guests will have more options for accommodations than at almost any other AAP Annual Meeting before. You can read all about them in the feature on page 18. AAP Periospectives| 5"