b'2021 ANNUAL MEETING2023 Annual MeetingCall for SpeakersThe Continuing Education Oversightperson/group. In some instances, ideas may be taken from several Committee (CEOC) will meet in 2022submissions and merged into an entirely new program.to plan the educational program for the 109 thAnnual Meeting, Nov. 9-12,Please remember that, in keeping with Academy policy, the AAP does 2023, in Austin, Texas. The Academynot pay honoraria nor reimburse AAP members for travel expenses. encourages members to suggestAdditionally, speakers must consent to present their lecture in a 3:1 speakers and program ideas, particularlyformat and be video recorded. Any speaker who does not do so forfeits presenters with excellent content,his/her invitation to speak at the AAP Annual Meeting.innovative ideas, and exceptionalThe committee will review the information and evaluate it as it relates presentation skills. to the overall program. While every attempt will be made to incorporate The Board of Trustees must approve thethe ideas submitted, available meeting space and time are limited; preliminary Annual Meeting programtherefore, not all recommendations will be able to be used. However, in May 2022. Please submit yourmember input regarding the program is critical toward helping the proposal(s) on perio.org by Novembercommittee understand member expectations.15, 2021 so they can be consideredPlease note that recommendations received after November by the committee. Please note that15, 2021, will not be included for consideration in 2023 Annual all submissions must contain contactMeeting planning.information for each proposed person (address, phone/fax, e-mail, etc). If theThe Academy is committed to diversity in its program speakers and, to proposed speaker has not previouslyevery extent possible, seeks to include both seasoned and new faces. presented at an AAP meeting, pleaseSubmissions should include as much supporting material as possible for attach a CV (this can be a summaryany new speakers so the committee can determine their contributions CV). All submissions will be thoroughlyto the program.reviewed by the CEOC; however, it is unlikely that more than one speaker/ The CEOC and Academy leaders hope members will be pleased program will be selected from any onewith Annual Meeting planning efforts and look forward to program suggestions. AAP Periospectives| 14'