b'2021 ANNUAL MEETINGAward winners Continued from page 25Special Citation: Dr. Purnima Kumar is a professor andof teeth severely compromised Virtual Annual Meeting Task Force full-time faculty member of the Collegeby attachment loss to the apex: A of Dentistry at The Ohio State Universityrandomized controlled clinical trial An AAP Special Citation Award, whichand a leader in the field of oral microbialreporting 10-year outcomes, survival recognizes members for outstandingecology. In addition to chairing the VAManalysis and mean cumulative cost work on an Academy committee orTask Force, she planned and executedof recurrence published in the June special product, is presented to thethe highly successful webinar series that2020 issue of The Journal of Clinical members of the Virtual Annual Meetingwas broadcast throughout the COVID-19Periodontology,the Academy recognizes (VAM) Task Force: Dr. Bobby Butler, Dr.lockdown period. these co-authors: Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini, Nick Caplanis, Dr. Pamela McClain, andDr. Gabrielle Stalpers, Dr. Aniello Mollo, Task Force Chair Dr. Purnima Kumar. A past winner of the AAPs Outstandingand Dr. Maurizio S. Tonetti.Educator Award and ADEAs William J. When it became clear that the 2020Gies Award for Outstanding AchievementClinical Research:AAP Annual Meeting could not takeby a Dental Educator, Dr. Kumar hasSponsored by Quintessence Publishingplace in person in Hawaii and wouldserved the Academy in numerous need to pivot to a virtual format, thesecapacities. She chaired the ResearchThis award recognizes an outstanding four members served on the VAM TaskSubmissions Committee for eightrecent scientific article with direct Force. Their exceptional task: translatingyears and has been a member of theclinical reference to periodontics. For the in-person program developed byContinuing Education Oversight sincetheir article, American Academy of the Continuing Education Oversight2014, serving as its Chair the pastPeriodontology best evidence consensus Committee to a virtual platform in onlytwo years. She is also an Associatestatement on modifying periodontal a few short months. They succeeded inEditor of the Journal of Periodontologyphenotype in preparation for orthodontic designing a program of live and on- and Co-Editor of Clinical Advances inand restorative treatment published in demand courses that offered 39 hoursPeriodontics. Dr. Kumar has authored orthe March 2020 issue of The Journal of of CE credits while capturing the senseco-authored 12 scientific articles andPeriodontology, the Academy recognizes of community members have comehas 6 active research grants. senior author Dr. Richard T. Kao and to treasure at in-person AAP Annualco-authors Dr. Donald A. Curtis, Dr. Meetings. Dr. Purnima Kumar received herDavid M. Kim, Dr. Guo-Hao Lin, Dr. Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree fromChin-Wei Wang, Dr. Charles M. Cobb, The VAM Task Force thoughtfullyAnnamalai University in India, her Master selected and coached speakers andDr. Yung-Ting Hsu, Dr. Joseph Kan, Dr. of Dental Surgery in PeriodontologyDiego Velasquez, Dr. Gustavo Avila-moderators to ensure a program ofdegree from Madras Medical University the highest quality, continually workingOrtiz, Dr. Shan-Huey Yu, Dr. George (also in India), and her Certificate inA. Mandelaris, Dr. Paul S. Rosen, Dr. with staff and vendors to troubleshootPeriodontology, Masters degree in and improve the interface and theMarianna Evans, Dr. John Gunsolley, Oral Biology and PhD in MolecularKatie Goss, Jeanne Ambruster, and Dr. educational experience all during aMicrobiology from The Ohio State global pandemic. Hom-Lay Wang.University.Special Citation: R. Earl Robinson Regeneration:Dr. Purnima KumarSponsored by American Academy of An AAP SpecialPeriodontology FoundationCitation Award is presented to Dr.This award recognizes an outstanding Purnima Kumar notrecent scientific article about periodontal only for chairing the Special Citation- regeneration in the basic and clinical winning Virtual Annual Meeting (VAM)sciences. For their article, Periodontal Task Force, but for her many otherregeneration versus extraction and contributions to the Academy. dental implant or prosthetic replacement AAP Periospectives| 26'