b'2021 ANNUAL MEETINGThe Academy celebrates its 2021 award winnersEach year, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) honors members whose service and dedication have made a meaningful impact on the field of periodontics.Meet the Academys 2021 Award recipients, who will be recognized along with the recipients of the AAP Foundation distinctions, at a special ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 4 at the AAPs 107 thAnnual Meeting in Miami Beach.Gold Medal: He has taught at UC San Francisco,volunteerism. A member of no fewer Dr. Richard Kao where he is Clinical Professor, for thethan 12 dental associations, he has past 37 years, and at University of theserved as a meeting organizer for five For 2021, thePacific, where he is Clinical Adjunctof them, including the AAP. He was Academy is pleasedProfessor, for the past 25 years. Dr. Kaoa consultant to the California Dental to present its highesthas also mentored 22 professionals whoAssociation and Council on Dental honorthe Goldhave gone on to become periodontists,Research & Development for six years, Medalto Dr. Richard T.educators, physicians, researchand he has served as a Conscious Kao. Dr. Kao has tirelessly served thespecialists, and medical technicians.Sedation Onsite Examiner for the periodontology community as a clinician,California Dental Board of Examiners for educator, researcher, mentor, and AAPDr. Kaos clinical research has focusedthe past 26 years.member and officer. Dr. Kao is a paston the application of growth factors, winner of the Academys Outstandingbiologic mediators, and stem cells forDr. Richard Kao received his DDS, PhD, Periodontal Educator award, a three-timetissue engineering in dentistry andand Certificate in Periodontics from the recipient of the AAPs R. Earl Robinsonthe role of periodontal phenotype onUniversity of California, San Francisco. Periodontal Regeneration Award, and thethe periodontium and peri-implantHe has been in private periodontal senior author of the article that receivedsoft tissue. He has co-authored sevenpractice since 1991.this years Clinical Research Award. published studies concerning periodontal regeneration and 13 published studiesMaster Clinician:Dr. Kao provided the Academy withconcerning periodontal and peri-implantDr. Istvan Urbancrucial leadership during a criticalphenotype. His clinical activities includeSponsored by HuFriedy three-year period in which he servedhaving his practice selected for FDAGroupas Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President,Phase III clinical trial for the development President-Elect, and President. At theof the rhPDGF-TCP for periodontalThe Master Clinician beginning of this period, the Academyregeneration. Award honors an Academy was facing a significant financial deficit.member who has practiced and Working closely with other boardHaving served as editor or reviewer fordemonstrated consistent clinical members and executive leadership, Dr.11 professional publications, includingexcellence in periodontics and who Kao was instrumental in reducing thethe Journal of Periodontology, Dr. Kaohas willingly and unselfishly shared deficit to a significantly lower level thanhas authored 58 peer-reviewed andthat clinical experience with members had been projected. When his term as38 non-peer-reviewed articles. Inof the profession. It is hard to imagine president ended, the Academy enjoyed aaddition, Dr. Kao has given 79 inviteda person meeting those criteria more healthy financial surplus. presentations at various universities,perfectly than the 2021 winner of the dental societies, and study groups. award, Dr. Istvan Urban.As an AAP officer, he helped the AAP sharpen its focus with an environmentalFrom the very beginning, Dr. KaoDr. Urbans pioneering work has scan of membership needs, awareness,has been an avid proponentandinfluenced the introduction and science, and organizational viability. practitionerof professionalteaching of numerous techniques in the areas of management of sinus AAP Periospectives| 22'