b'Dr. Johnson has authored or co- Internationally, he provides directat Loma Linda University School of authored seven books and bookscientific support to the US delegationDentistry, where he is currently a fulltime chapters, 91 journal articles, andto the FDI World Dental Federationprofessor while also maintaining a private 64 abstracts. She has also beenand participates in key global policypractice. invited to deliver over 80 university,meetings. local, state, national and internationalHis many publications regarding the presentations and over 30 continuingPreviously, Dr. Araujo held the role ofparameters and criteria for success in education presentations. In addition,CEO of the ADA Foundation. He alsoaesthetic implant surgery reconstructions she has participated in 36 funded andheld senior research and developmenthave occupied an important place in non-funded research projects, manypositions in the pharmaceutical industry,the education of periodontal graduate examining the link between tobaccoboth in dentistry as well as otherstudents for years. Much of his research usage and periodontitis.therapeutic areas in medicine. Beforeis focused on the soft tissue interaction that, Dr. Araujo held academic positionsto prosthetic restorations, including Dr. Georgia Johnson received her DDS,both in the United States and in Brazil,the mid-facial and papilla reaction to MS, and Certificate in Periodontologywhere he also practiced dentistry in hisimmediate implants placed into fresh from the University of Iowa. hometown of Rio de Janeiro. extraction sockets. Honorary Membership: Dr. Araujo has authored over 35 indexedDr. Kan is an active member of the Dr. Marcelo Araujo andpeer-reviewed manuscripts, one of whichAmerican College of Prosthodontics Dr. Joseph Kan was selected as the 2019 Williamand the Academy of Osseointegration, J. Gies winner for the mostwhere he currently serves on the Board The Academyimpactful original article in theof Directors. He is a frequent reviewer has chosen toJournal of Dental Research andfor the Journal of Periodontology, the recognize twothe 2020 most cited articleInternational Journal of Periodontics periodontologyin the Journal of the Americanand Restorative Dentistry, and the research pioneers withDental Association.International European Journal of Oral Honorary Memberships: Drs.Implantology.Marcelo Araujo and Joseph Kan. Dr. Marcelo Araujo holds a DDS degree and a Periodontology Certificate from theDr. Kan has authored or co-authored Deeply influenced by the tutelage of twoUniversity Gama Filho in Rio de Janeiro,98 scientific articlesincluding the legends in periodontal and epidemiologicBrazil, and a MS in Oral Science, a PhDarticle that received this years Clinical researchDr. Sebastian Ciancio andin Epidemiology, and a Fellowship inResearch Awardand served as the Dr. Robert GencoDr. Araujo hasPeriodontology Teaching and Clinicalprincipal investigator for 28 masters devoted his career to improving oral andResearch from the University at Buffalo. research theses. A frequent speaker periodontal health through his research,at the AAP Annual Meeting, he has his advocacy, and his leadership inDr. Joseph Kan has made numerousgiven over 500 invited presentations organized dentistry. However, becausecontributions to the art and science ofand lectures. At the 2018 Vancouver his Periodontology Certificate is fromperiodontology through his researchAnnual Meeting, he famously performed outside the US, he is technicallyand teaching on implantology. Aa live anterior extraction, augmentation, ineligible for conventional membership inprosthodontist who has completed animplant placement, provisionalization the Academy.advanced implantology course, he isand connective tissue graft for a general renowned for his avid encouragementsession.Dr. Araujo is currently the Chiefof professional collaboration between Executive Officer of the ADA Science &periodontists and restorative dentists. ADr. Joseph Kan holds a DDS degree Research Institute and the ADA Chiefstrong and vocal friend of periodontics,and an MS degree from Loma Linda Science Officer. His work includeshe constantly promotes periodontistsUniversity School of Dentistry, where implementation of the research workas imperative to the development of ahe has also pursued advanced related to activities that lead to ADAstrong restorative outcome. education in both implant dentistry and policies and programs pertaining to theprosthodontics.Council on Scientific Affairs, includingDr. Kan has taught for 32 years in support to the advocacy work donethe Department of Prosthodontics,Continued on page 26by the ADA at the government level.Restorative and Implant Dentistry AAP Periospectives| 25'