b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKWhy are members required to attend the Annual Meeting once every three years?Active Member, Denver, COAAP policy states, Active Members are required to attend at least one Annual Meeting during each three-year period. Associate Members are required to attend at least one Annual Meeting during each five-year period. These attendance requirements must be met unless the Board of Trustees has approved a petition for extension of the time period. There were two main factors considered when this policy was introduced. It should be noted that the Academy has a second part Its no secret that the Annual Meeting is a significantto the policy which states, In the event of illness or source of revenue for the American Academy ofother extenuating circumstances a member may petition Periodontology. Without resources and capital, itthe Board of Trustees for an extension of the designated would be impossible for the AAP to achieve its missionperiod. To request an Annual Meeting waiver, please to champion member success and professionalcontact the membership services team at member.partnerships for optimal patient health and qualityservices@perio.orgof life. Having a minimum attendance requirement ensures that the meeting is successful year after year,Thank you very much for submitting this question, and providing quality continuing education for Academyas always, thank you for your membership in the AAP. members, and solidifying corporate partnerships. Benjamin T Duval, DDS Most importantly though, the AAP prides itself onDistrict 3 Trustee providing quality education for its members, whichBoard of Trusteestranslates into successful practices and excellent care for patients. Members not only benefit from the formal learning that takes place in sessions, but informal gatherings and casual conversations among colleagues contribute to scientific and professional enrichment. Therefore, the AAP Board agrees that Academy members should participate in AAP Annual Meetings at least once every three years to maintain this level ofCall for Officer, District and ABP advancement that enhances quality of care.Director CandidatesThat is part of the reason the Annual Meeting takesMembers interested in elected district place in a different city every year. The Academy wantsoffice should contact their current District to ensure that no matter where members live, thereTrustees for Trustee positions and for will be a meeting near them at least once every threepositions on the Officer Nominating years. Committee and the Nominating Committee for the American Board of Periodontology. Please visit perio.org for more information.AAP Periospectives| 27'