b'grafting complications, horizontalSchool of Dentistry and the founderAn educator since 1979, he is ridge augmentation using his Sausageand director of the Urban Regenerationcurrently Vice President of Clinical Technique, predictable vertical ridgeInstitute in Budapest, Hungary. Heand Translational Research and Senior augmentation, and reconstruction ofalso maintains a private practice inMember of Staff at The Forsyth Institute; the gingival architecture after theseperiodontics and implant surgery. Professor of Oral Medicine, Infection and procedures through soft tissue graftingImmunity, Faculty of Medicine, Harvard techniques. The Sausage TechniqueDistinguisheduniversity and Affiliate Professor of the makes it possible to regenerateScientist: Center for Experimental Therapeutics horizontal bone defects without usingDr. Thomas Van Dyke and Reperfusion Injury in the a bone block or a non-resorbableThe AcademysDepartment of Anesthesia and membrane. Dr. Urbans critical2021 DistinguishedPerioperative Pain at Brigham and evaluations of his surgeries provide theScientist AwardWomens Hospital. He is also an basis on which he teaches not only howrecipient is Dr. Thomasadjunct professor in the Department to regenerate lost hard and soft tissues,Van Dyke. Dr. Van Dyke has beenof Periodontology and Oral Biology at but how to preserve the regeneratedthe recipient of the AAPs Balintthe Boston University School of Dental bone and soft tissue contours. TheOrban Memorial Prize and its ClinicalMedicine. Before relocating to Boston latter is often the most demanding partResearch Award. Among his manyin 1995, he was a past Chair of the of any treatment. other awards and honors are theDepartment of Periodontology at the IADR Basic Research in PeriodontalEmory University School of Dentistry, the Clinicians visiting the UrbanEastman Dental Center, and Director of Regeneration Institute in Budapest areDisease Award, the American DentalGraduate Periodontology and Director allowed to observe Dr. Urbans liveAssociations Norton M. Ross Award forof the Clinical Research Center at the surgeries and ask detailed questionsExcellence, and the American DentalBoston University School of Dental about any aspects of the cases. SinceEducation Associations William J. GiesMedicine. visiting the Institute is not practicalFoundation Periodontology Award.He for most clinicians, Dr. Urban travelsis a Diplomate of the American Board ofIn terms of practice experience, Dr. Van extensively around the world to supportPeriodontology Dyke worked as a periodontist at the continuing education on both nationalDr. Van Dyke has a prolific 30-yearBoston University Dental School, Emory and local levels.record as a researcher with over 80University and Eastman Dental Center funded and unfunded projects. Muchfor 30 years. For the past 11 years he In 2017, Dr. Urban assimilated much ofhas been Vice President of Clinical and his professional work into a best-sellingof his research has focused on theTranslational Research and Director of textbook published by Quintessencemediators of inflammation and is viewedClinics for Forsyth Faculty Associates titled Vertical and Horizontal Ridgeas having changed the understandingDental Clinic.Augmentation: New Perspectives. Heof the pathogenesis of periodontal is also the author of a book chapter ondisease. Dr. Van Dyke and his researchRemarkably, Dr. Van Dyke has authored implant therapy and the author or co- colleagues played a particularlyor co-authored 360 peer-reviewed author of 40 scientific articles. significant role in understanding the rolearticles. He has also authored or of host response in periodontal disease.co-authored numerous books, book Dr. Urban received DMD and MDHis most recent research project ischapters, non-peer-reviewed articles, degrees from the Semmelweistitled Mechanisms of Resolvin E1 inmonographs, reviews, abstracts, University School of Medicine andPeriodontal Regeneration. and poster presentations.He has Dentistry in Hungary. He also receivedgiven numerous regional, national a preceptorship in periodontics fromDr. Van Dyke is a past member of thepresentations, and international the University of California, Los AngelesAAPs Research Science and Therapypresentations over the past 40 years.School of Dentistry and a Fellowship inCommittee, Steering Committee Implant Dentistry from the Loma Lindaon Inflammation, and ResearchThomas Van Dyke received his DDS University School of Dentistrys CenterSubmissions Committee, and thefrom Case Western Reserve University, for Implant Dentistry. Dr. Urban is anAAP Foundations Partners in Clinicaland an MS in Oral Sciences, a Adjunct Assistant Professor in ImplantExcellence Committee. He holds fiveCertificate in Periodontology, and a PhD Dentistry at the Loma Linda Universitypatents relating to periodontal disease treatment and has three others pending. Continued on page 24AAP Periospectives| 23'