b'YOUR MEMBERSHIPNew periodontistcornerGet to know AAP member Anuja Doshi,whether it is with our referring doctors, patients, peers, or in DDS, MS, Assistant Professor andour personal relationships. Director of Predoctoral Periodontics at the University of New England. What do you like to do after work?What is the first thing you do inI live close to the ocean, so going for a walk/run along the the morning? coast is one of my favorite things to do after work.I hate to accept it, but the first thing IOutside of work, what is the one thing you do every do in the morning is check my phone! Inday that brings you joy?my defense, my parents live on the other side of the worldI really enjoy all kinds of artistic activities like drawing, so I am often catching up on messages that they mightpainting, or photography. Currently, I am learning how to use have sent me during their daytime. Procreate to make digital illustrations and its so much fun! How do you schedule your day? Any advice you would give to a periodontist that has Since I work in academia, my schedule for each day of therecently graduated?week looks very differentwhich is my favorite part! MostThe learning never stops. I think we go through residency days are a mix of teaching, treatment planning surgicalthinking that by the time we graduate we must know all cases with students, admin/research meetings, andthere is to know. In reality, so much of learning happens clinical practice. after graduation. So, dont be hard on yourself if you have What is the most rewarding part of your day? an unsuccessful outcome or run into a complication or a challenging case that you are unsure how to treat, because The most rewarding part of my day is when I am ablethat is just another opportunity to learn and grow.to help a student apply their theoretical knowledge to a clinical scenario because when it all finally clicks for them, it is very evident and, in that moment, I know that I have contributed to their education in a small, butStudent and New Periodontist meaningful way. events at the 107 thAnnual Meeting!What is the most challenging part of your day? EV6: Student and New Periodontist Session:Trying to balance my time between my teachingLooking Backward While Looking Forwardresponsibilities, professional development, research, andPresented by Dr. David Jolkovsky and Dr. David Dupractice is always the most challenging part of my day.Friday, November 5 from 12:30 - 2 p.m.Is there a piece of advice you received that you trySponsored by Straumannto implement daily? Dr. Jolkovsky and Dr. Du will share the lessons they learned selling I had a colleague tell me once that, the key to aand buying a periodontal practice. In addition to the discussion, successful professional and personal life is over- there will be handouts, freebies and raffles galore! Lunch will also communication, and that is something I have since triedbe served. Later that evening, students and new periodontists to implement daily. So many problems can be very easilyare invited to attend the Student and New Periodontist Member avoided if we practice good, consistent communication,Reception taking place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. offsite at the Clevelander. Reception sponsored by Treloar & Heisel, in partnership with MedPro.AAP Periospectives| 42'