b'Whole Life Insurance can be a viablename a few. As you establish yourTreloar & Heisel, Treloar & Heisel Wealth option in such a scenario. Conventionalemergency fund, create debt reductionManagement, and Treloar & Heisel Property wisdom suggests buying cheaper termstrategies, fully fund your retirementand Casualty are all divisions of Treloar & insurance and investing the rest, but weplan, and perhaps purchase yourHeisel, Inc.feel this attitude is changing. Whole Lifepractice, Whole Life Insurance should be Insurance is permanent insurance (asconsidered an additional tool that mayInvestment Advice offered through WCG opposed to term) and may build stableserve many functions in your planning.Wealth Advisors, LLC, a Registered cash value. Furthermore, its balance doesOf course, there are also certainInvestment Advisor doing business as Treloar not fluctuate in response to stock marketdisadvantages to Whole Life Insurance.& Heisel Wealth Management. Treloar & conditions. You can access the cashIt is important to review your options inHeisel Wealth Management is a separate value by taking loans from the policy.the context of your individual situationentity from The Wealth Consulting Group Loans may be tax-free and dont haveand consult a licensed advisor forand WCG Wealth Advisors, LLC.to be repaid. If they are not repaid, oneadditional information. Insurance products offered separately consequence would be a reduction of thethrough Treloar & Heisel and Treloar & Heisel death benefit of the policy. Treloar & Heisel is a financial services provider to dental and medicalProperty and Casualty.Whole Life Insurance may also provideprofessionals across the country. OurTreloar & Heisel, Inc. and its divisions and benefits to protect against long-term careinsurance and wealth managementWCG Wealth Advisors, LLC do not offer tax costs, as well as a tax-free benefit fordivisions assist thousands of clients fromor legal advice.legacy planning at death. Its an optionresidency through retirement. We strive that should be considered and comparedto deliver the highest level of service to other low risk accounts like savingswith custom-tailored advice and a strong accounts, CDs, and money markets tonational network. For more information, visit us at treloaronline.comAAP Periospectives| 35'