b'Predicting the future with any degree of accuracy may be a futileclinical decision making. BECs typically explore pursuit, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt attempt to shape theinnovative areas and technological advances future for the better. And fortunately, for both our members and ourin periodontics and seek to expand AAP patients, the efforts of the Task Force on Future Science are givingmembers knowledge in order to enhance their the Academy the opportunity to do just that.scope of practice.Latest Best Evidence Consensus proceedings to bePrevious BECspublished in late 2022 To date, the Academy has published Topic of AAPs fourth BEC: Biologic Mediators proceedings for three BEC subjects in the Journal of Periodontology: After roughly nine months of an intensive literature review, discussion, and collaboration, the AAPS latest Best Evidence Cone Beam Computed TechnologyConsensus (BEC) project has been completed. The project, co-Laserschaired by Drs. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz and Brian Mealey, focuses on Periodontal Phenotypes clinical questions related to biologic mediators.BEC Background Next StepsThe proceedings from the Biologic Mediators The Academy adopted the BEC model in 2016 to address importantBEC will be published in a late 2022 issue clinical questions where there is insufficient evidence upon which toof the Journal of Periodontology with base traditional evidence-based conclusions regarding treatment.supplementary clinical examples published in The goals of a BEC are to develop a clinical bottom line based onClinical Advances in Periodontics. The findings the limited available evidence and the best available expert opinion,of the BEC will also be presented at the Annual answer questions clinicians routinely face, and provide guidance forMeeting in Phoenix on October 28. AAP Periospectives| 7'