b'AAP FOUNDATIONJoin us forFuture Horizons in PeriodontologyThe AAP Foundation grants awards and scholarshipsfor many dentists who place implants. Dr. Ravid will discuss to about 30 individuals every year. Since our inceptionevidence-based strategies for management of complex implant-in 1990 through today, we are grateful to call nearlyrelated biological complications in the aesthetic zone and other 300 people AAP Foundation award recipients.areas of the mouth. Special emphasis will be placed on the impact of the morphology and severity of peri-implant bone defects on Each year, the AAPF publishes a report with detailsthe outcome of reconstructive treatment. Dr. Ravid is a clinical about the current years award recipients, but weassistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. wanted another way to showcase the high caliberHe has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and talent these periodontists bring to the specialty.conference abstracts/presentations related to periodontics and Several years ago, the Foundation introduced theimplant therapy. He is section editor of the International Journal of Future Horizons in Periodontology session at the AAPOral Implantology and serves as a reviewer for multiple international Annual Meeting. Since then, this cutting-edge sessionjournals covering periodontics and implant dentistry.has grown from moderate attendance to requiring a large room with overflow accommodations.Dr. Bertolini, 2020 recipient of the AAPFs Educator Scholarship, will discuss Emerging In addition to giving Foundation award recipientstitanium surface modifications: the war another avenue to showcase their work, thisagainst polymicrobial infections on dental innovative presentation demonstrates a strong returnimplants. As recent evidence emerges on on the investment donors have made in the AAPF. the different environmental factors related At this years Annual Meeting, the theme forto periodontitis and peri-implantitis, as well the Future Horizons in Periodontology session isas their unique microbiome changes from Emerging Concepts in Dental Implant Science andhealth to disease, it is imperative to better Practice, moderated by Drs. Hector Rios and Praveenunderstand this process in order to create effective Gajendrareddy. The two featured speakers are Drs.preventive solutions.Dr. Bertolini is a clinician scientist, with double Martinna Bertolini and Andrea Ravid.training in prosthodontics (Brazil) and periodontology (U.S.), as well as her PhD in prosthodontics. Results from her research have been Dr. Ravid, recipient of therecognized by her 30+ scientific publications and multiple awards. AAPFs Educator ScholarshipShe is currently a full-time assistant professor at the University of in 2021 and Schoor ResearchPittsburgh and is developing research in the field of oral microbiome Award in 2020, will discussand host immune response. In this session she will discuss Emerging strategies fornew perspectives on titanium surface modifications based on treatment of peri-implantitis. microbial biofilm modulation and how this can shed light on future The treatment of peri-implantitistechnologies to prevent peri-implantitis.has become a major challenge AAP Periospectives| 44'