b'FUTURE SCIENCE STRATEGYPeriodontal Educationjust a job for schools or a Task Force or theDr. Okano: I think a major challenge is Continued from page 9 Academy to fix on their own; it requires a jointto get more periodontists teaching at the effort from all aspects of not only periodonticspredoctoral level. In fact, I believe its every Perhaps the trickiest challenge we face isand implant dentistry, but the entire dentalbit as important for experienced periodontists dealing with the so-called hidden curriculumprofession. to be teaching predoctoral students as it is to in generalist-based programs. We may be ableDr. Geurs: Its challenging to recruit newhave them teaching post-doctoral students. to control the didactic elements of predoctoralFor me personally, theres a great deal of faculty members, in part because of thesatisfaction in turning a green-horned student education, but the clinical teaching is largelydiscrepancy in compensation comparedinto someone who understands periodontics out of our hands. We can do a great job into what a periodontist can make in privateand applies it properly in their careers as the classroom, but theres not much we canpractice. One option is to recruit practicinggeneral dentists. do when the students get into the clinicsperiodontists to teach predoctoral students overseen by the general dentists who areon a part-time or adjunct basis, but theA related challenge is that our profession their mentors and role models. Were reallychallenge with this is that they tend to beneeds to address a big disconnect; The survey dependent on the general dentists in themore interested in teaching postdoctoralindicates that most predoctoral periodontal program to follow through on what wevestudents. What we need to do is help themeducation directors feel theyre providing a taught the students and to make sure they getunderstand that teaching predoctoral studentsvery good education to their students, and the students to see the value of periodontics. will allow them to help shape the future ofyet this education doesnt seem to be getting Dr. Palomo: I believe we need to makeour profession. General dentists are theapplied well in practice. While the study didnt predoctoral education sexy to three vitalgatekeepers of what happens with dentaladdress this, I personally think there are four groups: students, general dentists, andcases, and our priority needs to be to helpprimary reasons for young dentists reluctance periodontists. When we as periodontistscreate perio-minded general dentists whoto refer patients to specialists. The first is volunteer our time and talents in the graduatewill seek opportunities to collaborate witheconomic. Most of todays dental school programs, were preaching to the choirperiodontists. The key is to have periodontistsgraduates enter practice with a tremendous because those students have already boughtteaching undergraduates on clinic floors.debt load that forces them to refer as few into the scientific message. But when weThats a model Id love to see the Academyprocedures as possible. The second is that give our attention to predoctoral programs, itput its shoulders under. Of course, justmany of those working for DSOs arent needs to be emphasized that we are teachingbecause youre a good periodontist doesntallowed to refer patients outside their system. our future referralsboth students and othermean youll be a good teacher. It involvesThe third is that theres a certain segment of cliniciansthat scientific message.Itscalibration, understanding clinical guidelines,young general dentists focused on becoming a message that we can accomplish moreconstant training, and more. But teaching cansuper-dentists who think, I can do it all. together through co-management and referral.be highly rewarding, and not just becauseTheres no need for me to refer you to a This takes significant time and energy, andyoure improving the quality of care patientsspecialist. And the fourth reason, at least in its emotional.Making predoctoral instructionare receiving. Predoctoral students are highlymy mind, is that those dentists graduating attractive within our dental education cultureenergetic, highly motivated to learn, andfrom generalist-driven programs simply arent remains the challenge, especially as morealways energizing to be around. getting the quality of predoctoral periodontal schools open and dilute the pool of thoughtful,education that theyd be getting in discipline-Another challenge is the hidden curriculum:driven programs. I must emphasize, however, engaging qualified faculty.Its an individualWhat other educators say about periodontitisthat these are my thoughts only, and that challenge we need to keep front of mindthat represents not the schools or theI hope our Task Force will investigate this that when we choose to teach and prioritizecurriculums party line, but the particulardisconnect thoroughly and definitely in the predoctoral students, were investing in theeducators personal bias. A great deal ofnear future.future of the specialty. harm can be caused when a general dentist Another key challenge is the workload ineducator tells a student something thatHow will the Academy use the results predoctoral programs.Its not enough forconflicts with what we know as periodontistsof the report?just the schools to take a look at studentsto be true. We need to create champions ofDr. Geurs: Thats ultimately up to the Board workload and distribution of time and effort;periodontal education amongst the general dentist faculty who support our message.of Trustees, of course. However, I believe we the entire profession needs to support andWhen a general dentist reinforces what thehave an opportunityand a needto train speak with one voice such that specialtiesperiodontist is saying, it can really createperiodontists who are junior faculty members are treated with care and attention.And thatstrong buy-in on the part of the student.to be on the right committees so they can be starts with the predoctoral curriculum. Its notat the table when decisions are made about AAP Periospectives| 10'