b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKAdvocacy CornerWelcome to the AAP Advocacy Corner! This new regular feature aims to share how the Academy is working to advocate on behalf of the specialty. Defining advocacy for a diverse membership is a difficult task, but hearing from individual members about what they are doing to support periodontics helps provide a better understanding of this important concept. Dr. Dan Thunell from Utah shared his thoughts on advocacy. What does advocacy meanWhat tools do you use when advocating on behalf of periodontics? to you? How are youI have served as a regional liaison to the AAP for many years. Getting involved in local advocacyto know dental school deans, State Board of Dentistry members, and initiatives?State Dental Association presidents has been the most effective tool for Advocacy has twodisseminating information and collecting information; its harder to do components for me,outside your own state though. Some states really struggle to have a both based in educationconsistent functioning periodontal society due to geography and small and awareness. First, it isnumber of providers. educating the rest of dentistry to make sure they know we are the expertsHow does your work relate back to the larger scope of the AAP? in periodontics and implant dentistry. Second,Each individual has to carry this mantle in order for the Core Values of it is putting periodontics and the Academy inthe AAP to become reality. What we want to achieve as an Academy and front of the public and making the public awarewhat we do achieve as an Academy comes down to what each individual of who we are and what we can do for them.is willing to give. No one from the Chicago headquarters is going to come I am active in the Utah Dental Associationto Salt Lake City and enhance my practice, increase awareness of me, and and have been a delegate for years. I am alsohelp me build relationships. Thats not their job. The Academy provides a past local District President. I teach at theresources and tools, and I must use them to advocate for me and for our University of Utah School of Dentistry becausespecialty as a whole.I believe it is critical that students receiveHow can members become more involved with local advocacy?periodontal education from periodontists andFirst and foremost, get involved with your local dental association. not from any other specialists. The connections made there will be the launch pad for you to make periodontics relevant and visible in your area. AAP Periospectives| 17'