b'ANNUAL MEETING108 thAnnual Meeting highlightsThe AAPs 108 thAAP Annual Meeting promises to be a return to form.photo studio is back and provides a place for Attendance numbers are trending on par with pre-pandemic meetings,guests to get a complimentary professional and those numbers continue to grow. Here are just a few of the manyheadshot taken for your practice website. highlights taking place this October 27-30 in Phoenix.Afterwards, spend some time at the Career Center kiosk to look for an open position, Collaborationpost a position, or announce a practice.A return to form also means the return of our many international attendees. This is the first in-person meeting since 2018 to be heldAAP Foundation in collaboration with the Academys colleagues from the JapaneseAs always, the Academys partners from the Academy of Clinical Periodontology (JACP) and the Japanese Society ofAAP Foundation will be on-hand for a series Periodontology (JSP). of special events as well as the return of the perennial favorite AAP Foundation Silent Live educationAuction. During the auction, attendees will Gathering in-person also means the return of our live Dental Hygienebe able to find and electronically place bids Symposium. Due to the pandemic, this course has only been availableon fabulous experiences, products for their virtually for the past two years. Attendees can also enjoy the return ofpractice, specialty food, wine, and more!the extremely popular Robert J. Genco Perio-Systemic Symposium, in addition to the AAPs comprehensive hands-on workshops. Thank you to our partners This meeting would not be possible without Looking aheadthe support of the AAPs corporate partners. The future of periodontology will be on full display as the AAPs youngerMany of them, including those in the Perio members and colleagues share their insights during the prestigiousPerks program, will be on hand in the exhibit Balint Orban Memorial Competition. Following Balint Orban, the AAPhall demonstrating the latest innovations and AAP Foundation Awards ceremony will give us the chance to honorin periodontal technology and services. the contributions of those who continue to push the specialty forward.Attendees can learn even more about these For even more insights into the research being conducted in the fieldinnovations during the Corporate Forum.of periodontology, visit the exhibit hall to view the many research forum poster sessions. Start making your plans to join us in Phoenix Member Resource Centerthis Oct. 27-30. If you havent already Stop by the Member Resource Center in the Exhibit Hall to have yourregistered, please be sure to do so at membership questions answered, get updates on membership benefits,am2022.perio.org make a purchase at the Perio Store, and pick up some giveaways. The AAP Periospectives| 16'