b"B Y C H R I S T O P H E R R . R I C H A R D S O N , D M D , M SPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEIt is tremendously difficult for me to believe thatwith the Future Horizons in Periodontology session we have now passed the halfway point of 2022. Iat the Annual Meeting. Head to page 44 to learn am pleased to report that we have many excitingabout this years session topic, Emerging Concepts initiatives on the horizon, and as always, the AAPin Dental Implant Science and Practice, and meet the continues to support periodontal professionals inphenomenal doctors whove received scholarships their pursuit to deliver the highest quality periodontalfrom the Foundation which have fostered their therapy. Research and collaboration which can besuccessful careers today. This hands-on approach to appreciated in the manuscripts of our professionaleducating future periodontists plays a crucial role in our journals as well as continuing education, will alwaysspecialties long-term success.be driving forces for our organization. It is vital that we consistently aim to provide environments in which toOur organization strives to build and foster relationships foster these values.with our members, while encouraging them to stay educated on the highest levels of care. We are pleased Beginning on page six of this issue, youll read aboutto announce a new periodic feature highlighting the AAPs Task Force on Future Science. This amazingesteemed Diplomates and their experience with board group of scholars has identified six areas of prioritycertification. This edition features an interview with and given direction on how we will disseminateArthur M. Yagudayev, DDS, MSD. We hope this feature these objectives to our members and the periodontalwill encourage our members to expand their knowledge profession as a whole. These future-focused objectivesand consider the benefits of board certification from will be explored and directed by seasoned workgroupsa first-hand account provided by a distinguished as well as some of our young rising star Academycolleague of the AAP.members in the interest of providing an array of generational voices.I am so excited about the incredible opportunities ahead of us. The AAP Board of Trustees continues to focus Our 2022 Annual Meeting, convening in Phoenix fromon strategic areas of interest and remains engaged October 27-30, is sure to be the perfect setting to setand thoughtful in their deliberations. As you are aware, our sights on 2023 and beyond, while celebrating allthe annual AAP Elections recently concluded, and of our accomplishments this year. On page 16, read allI encourage you to stay in touch with your district about this years highlights and fantastic opportunitiestrustees with any questions or concerns as District to network with fellow AAP members. Town Halls will continue in the fall. Looking toward the future of your periodontal careerI want to personally invite all of our members to attend may also require looking inward at your individualthe AAP 2022 Annual Meeting as it promises to be practice. Pages 24-27 of this issue feature insightsa return to form, with attendance trending toward on topics such as insurance coding and policies topre-pandemic numbers. I look forward to seeing you in help encourage you to make the best decisions forPhoenix this October, and I hope you have a wonderful your practice and patients. What drives our successsummer.and fosters our credibility as periodontal professionals is our dedication to our patients well-being and theSincerely, integrity of our practices. Christopher R. Richardson, DMD, MS President One way for us to properly cultivate our future as anAmerican Academy of Periodontologyorganization is through the countless opportunities brought forth by the AAP Foundation. Several years ago, the Foundation began showcasing its work AAP Periospectives| 5"