b'YOUR MEMBERSHIPNew periodontistcornerGet to know AAP member and newdifferent walks of life, because I get to vicariously live through periodontist, Dr. Sungeun Stephanie Koo.their stories. Dr. Koo completed her training in Periodontics at the University of Connecticut School of DentalIs there a piece of advice you received that you try to Medicine in 2020. implement daily?What is the first thing you do in the morning? Do the right thing. This applies to life in general, but also with clinical decisions that sometimes can be complicated. Once I If its 2 a.m. and Im waking up because my toddler needs me, itsfollow this principle, everything becomes crystal clear.putting her back to bed and falling right back to sleep. Otherwise, Im a morning person and awake by 5:30 a.m. to check newsWhat do you like to do after work?headlines, manage my email inbox, and complete my to-do list. If II practice and live in a beach town community along the coast dont do it in the morning, it never gets done! of Connecticut. When the weather is nice, well grab take-out How do you schedule your day? food as a family and eat dinner on the beach. Its a wonderful community and Ive met some of my closest friends in town just My morning in the office always starts with the morning huddleby hanging out on the beach.where the whole team reviews the schedule for the day. I see patients from 8 a.m.5 p.m. On most days, I have surgeries inOutside of work, what is the one thing you do every day the morning and consultation and post-op visits in the afternoon.that brings you joy?I usually dont leave the office until 6 p.m. when all my letters toFacetime with my parents in Korea. I moved to the U.S. for referrals are written and the team has finished. About 1-2 timescollege, but when I met my husband in dental school, I decided per week, Ill have dinner with a referring doctor or attend my localto stay. Since the pandemic though, we havent been able to fly dental meetings. to Korea to visit them, so seeing their faces and watching my What is the most challenging part of your day? daughter playing with her grandparents on the screen is the next best thing. Juggling my duties as a parent with the responsibilities of being a healthcare provider. I became a new periodontist and a newAny advice you would give to a periodontist that has mom all during the pandemic. Every day, it feels like there is a newrecently graduated?challenge, whether its a surgical complication, childcare issue, orSelf-care, self-care, self-care! Transitioning from residency both at the same time! I have a great support system, both at workto private practice required my body to adjust to seeing a lot and home, which definitely makes it more manageable.more patients at a faster pace. I regularly stretch, exercise, and What is the most rewarding part of your day? maintain appointments with a chiropractor to make sure that my body is aligned properly and able to meet the physical and Connecting with patients! I am always amazed by how muchmental demands of our profession. patients share with us and how they change when they realize they are being heard. I also love that I get to talk to people coming from AAP Periospectives| 32'