b"PresidentsmessageBY DR. STEPHEN MERAWAs I reflect upon my term as AAPand learn from others experiences.the Japanese Society of Periodontology President, I am immensely gratefulWith a variety of sessions (with(JSP), Japanese Academy of Clinical for the opportunity given to me bysome Halloween-themed ones, ofPeriodontology (JACP), and the Osteology our members to learn, grow, andcourse), the Academy has thoughtFoundation. Global collaboration is key better connect with my fellow AAPof everything for everyone. Thisto long-term success, and you can learn community. Although the season isyear, we have the Dental Hygienemore about the Academys history with the changing and my term is ending, I amSymposium taking place onJSP, JACP, and the Osteology Foundation proud of all that we have achieved.Saturday, Nov. 2, in-person Dentalin our International Periodontics section 5Presidents message Im also proud to have been able toand Medical Coding Workshops ason pg. 43. The Academy is proud to 6 Science and sunshine make a difference within the Academywell as an Insurance Panel for bestcollaborate with the AAP Foundation for 13 Digital Periospectives and our profession, and Im lookingpractices on submitting claims, theour fun variety of events at the Annual forward to gathering with my peers atEducator Symposium, Lunch andMeeting, including the AAP Foundation 20New district communications program the upcoming AAP Annual Meeting inLearns and Speaker Studio in theBooth, Silent Auction, Estate Planning 21Ask the board San Diego. Exhibit Hall, the Corporate Forum,Breakfast, and the AAP Foundation's 22Academy announces election results a hands-on workshop, sedationFuture Horizons in Periodontology. We This past year, I have spent timecourses, the Robert J. Gencowould also like to thank our corporate 23 August 2024 Board of Trustees meeting meeting with various periodontalSymposium, and so much more. Wesponsors who you can find at the 24 Join Us at the 2024 AAP Annual Meeting: committees and societies. You canwant you to be at your best, alertCorporate Forum and within the Exhibit District Forums & General Assembly!hear more about what has come outand happy, so coffee breaks andHall.26Hygiene Study Club of these meetings in my Monthlyan ice cream social will be available 28Are you carrying enough life insurance? Presidents Messages, which arein the Exhibit Hall this year. I amOnce again, I would like to express my available on the Academys YouTubealso eagerly anticipating our Balintutmost gratitude for the opportunity to 322024 Annual Meeting live insurance workshops channel. We began 2024 by organizingOrban Memorial Competition andserve as the AAP President and represent 34 Education updates for the year ahead. Our MeetingsResearch Forum Poster Competitionour organization and specialty. It has truly department gathered volumes of datato see what our young protgsbeen an honor. I look forward to seeing 35Gen You from the 109 thAAP Annual Meeting inyou all in San Diego! 36 Welcome new members Austin and spent time evaluating thehave in store for us this year. Additionally, you can learn moreSincerely, 38 PerioProgressdigital networking data and comments from attendeesabout your Academy and make sure 39Visit the Member Resource Center so that the best choices were madeyour voice is heard at the DistrictDr. Stephen Meraw in preparation for the 110 thAnnualForums, which provide a platformPresident 40Research Forum Poster Session Meeting in San Diego. American Academy of Periodontology41AAP Journals roundup for members to learn about AAP The 110 thAAP Annual Meeting, takinginitiatives and share thoughts with 42Advocating for Perio place Oct. 31-Nov. 3 in sunny Santheir District Trustees.43International Periodontics Diego, is the largest conference inOne of the most important 44ABP Diplomate interview North America dedicated exclusively toparts of the Annual Meeting is 46ABP update periodontology. What does this meancollaborationcollaboration with 50AAP Foundation Annual Meeting update for you? This meeting is the hub toone another as dental experts, connect with like-minded individualsand collaboration with outside 52 PerioDash is turning 10! and discover the latest in the field oforganizations, societies, and periodontology. It is the place to askcompanies. We are grateful to questions, share your experiences,welcome back our colleagues from 5"