b'SCIENCE & COLLABORATIONAAP Journals Roundup JOP 95 thAnniversary Special IssueIn honor of JOPs milestone anniversary, a special virtual The Academy, journal editors, and Wiley continueissue with the theme Celebrating Science will be published in late 2025. The Editors are seeking high-quality original to work for you to provide the best AAP Journalsresearch and reviews in periodontology and experience. Learn more about the latest activities andimplantology for inclusion in this issue. A call for papers was announced in June, and initiatives for Clinical Advances in Periodontics (CAP)the deadline for submissions is May 31, and the Journal of Periodontology (JOP) below. 2025. More details are available here: 2024 Annual Meeting Reduced Open Access Fees for AAP MembersPeer Review WorkshopDid you know that CAP and JOP publish open access articles? And that AAP members receive a discount on open access The Editors of JOP and CAP will lead our secondfees? With open access, articles are immediately free to read, Peer Review Workshop in San Diego. Peer review isdownload, and share, which helps to disseminate research to an essential aspect of research publishing and helpsan audience beyond journal subscribers. The fees that authors to maintain the quality and integrity of research. Inpay to make their articles open access are often covered by this workshop, participants will learn the tools totheir institutions or funding agencies, but in cases where this become skilled reviewers. Gaining these skills andsupport isnt available, members can receive a discount of understanding the elements of peer review can helpat least 33%. Scan the QR codes below to see your reduced you become a better author and scholar, too. open access rates. The workshop will take place on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 8 a.m. to Noon Pacific Time. Simply purchaseCAP fees:a ticket for the workshop when you register for the Annual Meeting. We hope to see you there!Member Resource CenterCome visit the Journals booth at the Member Resource Center in the Exhibit Hall. Our editorial staffJOP fees: will be available to answer questions, discuss the latest journal offerings, and share giveaway items. Well also be kicking off the 95 thanniversary of JOP, which was first published in 1930.41'