b'same day. A comprehensive periodontal evaluation, however, still cannot be completed on the same day, since it is necessary for soft tissues to heal to clinically examine and evaluate the periodontal conditions for a diagnosis. Lastly, lets discuss the difference between D6011 and D4245. D6011 is surgical access to an implant body (second stage implant surgery). This is the typical procedure for exposure of an implant when it is to be restored. It can be a punch technique or the use of an instrument to create access through the tissue. D4245 is an apically positioned flap. This can also be used for implant exposure, or at times, it can be used in conjunction with the D6011. In these cases, two separate procedures must be done: one to expose the implant and the second to retain the keratinized gingiva by repositioning it. Again, photographs might be of benefit for a claim. In all of these situations, a pre-treatment estimate is strongly recommended. And most importantly, make sure claims are correctly submitted and all documentation is of diagnostic quality. Submit your third-party questions to insurance@perio.org. Members with coding questions or difficulties with insurance claims can also contact the AAPs third-party specialist at 312-573-3241 or michellef@perio.org.31'