b'completed a general practice hospital-based residency atUniversity in India, and her Masters in Periodontology Mount Zion Medical Center in San Francisco and remainedand PhD in Molecular Microbiology from The Ohio State on the hospital dental and training staff while also practicingUniversity. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of restorative dentistry in San Francisco for several years.Periodontology and a Fellow of the Executive Leadership He received his periodontal training at the University ofin Academic Medicine (ELAM) program, the International Washington in Seattle. College of Dentists, the American College of Dentists, the Pierre Fouchard Acadmie and the American Association He is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University ofof Oral, Dental and Craniofacial Research. California San Francisco School of Dentistry, Division of Graduate Prosthodontics and has taught continuing dentalDr. Kumar is the Principal Investigator of Oral Microbial education at both UCSF and the University of the PacificEcology Laboratory at the University of Michigan that is School of Dentistry. He is on the faculty of the Foundation forfunded through the NIH, NCI, and oral healthcare industry. Advanced Continuing Education. Dr. Pasquinelli is a FellowShe has authored over 100 papers and book chapters and of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and has beenserves as the Associate Editor of Periodontology 2000, a consultant for the International Journal of Periodontics andNature Scientific Reports and Senior Editor of Microbiome. Restorative Dentistry as well as the Journal of Esthetic andShe is an active researcher, clinician, teacher, and Restorative Dentistry. He is currently enrolled in the Stanford/ administrator, has mentored several pre-dental, dental, Pacific Comprehensive Clinical Research Training Program inmasters, doctoral and post-doctoral students and junior order to hone his skills for future clinical research projects. faculty colleagues, and has served on several grant review panels for the NIH. Dr. Pasquinelli continues to teach select groups nationally and internationally and has authored numerous articles in theShe serveson the Continuing Education Oversight periodontal and restorative dentistry literature. He is knownCommittee and Budget Committee for the AAP and chairs for his particular excellence in connective tissue grafting,the AAPs Task Force for Oral Medical Integration. She esthetic periodontal surgery, implants in the esthetic zone,also serves on the board of directors of the Osteology hard and soft tissue ridge augmentation, pocket reductionFoundation and the American Academy of Periodontology and combining multiple surgical procedures into one session.Foundation. She is the Chair of the Council of Scientific He has developed and refined many surgical techniquesAffairs of the ADA and is their official spokesperson on in these disciplines. His profound appreciation for, ande-cigarettes and vaping. Dr. Kumar has served on various demonstration of, interdisciplinary care have been a hallmarkcommittees of IADR and is presently the Past-President of Dr. Pasquinellis practice and teaching. of the Periodontal Research Group. She also serves on several task forces for women in science, women in Since 1988, Dr. Pasquinelli has maintained a private practicesurgery and women in STEM and volunteers for groups in downtown San Francisco dedicated to periodontics, estheticthat empower women locally and nationally.and pre-prosthetic oral surgery, as well as dental implants.H. Dalton Conner Distinguished Scientist:Humanitarian: Sponsored by Crest + Oral-BDr. John C. AniemekeDr. Purnima KumarThe H. Dalton Conner The Distinguished ScienceHumanitarian Award is Award is presented to anpresented to an Academy Academy member who hasmember who has given actively contributed to theselflessly through basic science and/or clinicalextraordinary actions science of periodontologythat benefit a deserving through published literaturepopulation. The award acknowledges the members and contributed to pre- or postdoctoral education and/ selfless acts. The 2024 recipient of this award is Dr. John or scientific conferences or symposia. The Academy isC. Aniemeke.pleased to honor Dr. Purnima Kumar with the Distinguished Scientist award. Dr. Aniemeke is a graduate of University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Texas where he Dr. Purnima Kumar is the William and Mary K. Najjargraduated Cum laude in May 2009 with a Doctorate of Endowed professor of Dentistry and Chair of the DepartmentDental Surgery (DDS) and received the Quintessence of Periodontology and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan. She received her dental degree from AnnamalaiContinued on page 1615'