b"Gen You is almost wrapping up for 2024, but theres still so much more that our four individuals have to share with you. Looking ahead to the future, we asked Demetrius Harmon, Dr. Kristen Richey, Dr. Donna Klauser, and Dr.MEMBERSHIP MATTERSWayne Aldredge to share what they see as their next step or phase in their periodontal career and how they expect the AAP will be a resource to them as they continue on their journeys.Demetrius Flood MPH, MBSDr. Wayne Aldredge, DMD StudentPast AAP President DSIG member since 2022 Active member since 1995Looking ahead, my first step afterFirst of all, periodontics has been completing my residency program isa fantastic specialty and a lifelong to secure an Associate position in thepassion of mine. I use the AAP Greater Seattle area. This will allowas a resource on many different me to gain valuable clinical experiencelevels. One of the most important while also developing essential practiceaspects is the insurance workshops management skills. In the future, I aspire to open a group practiceto update my staff, so we have the newest codes and the best that integrates multiple dental specialties offering comprehensiveways to reimburse our patients because really, what were here care to my patients. Once I'm established and in a stable position, Iabout is patient care. The other most important thing that the also aim to return to academia, sharing my expertise to help shapeAcademy has come up with is the Dental Hygiene Engagement the future leaders in the field. As I continue on this journey, I amInitiative. We all know that our livelihood is based on our skillsets confident that the AAP will be a valuable resource to me. Duringand how we treat our patients, but more importantly its about residency, the Annual Meeting will provide an excellent opportunityrelationships: relationships with our patients and the community to network, learn, discuss concepts, and connect with likemindedwe work withdental hygienists and general dentists. I utilize the professionals. Moving forward, I plan to utilize resources likeDental Hygiene Study Club to enhance my practice and build more the Career Center and scientific journals to support my ongoingrelationships so the next third of my career will be as fruitful as the research efforts. Ultimately, I hope to be nominated for the LEADfirst two thirds. program, where I can continue to develop the skills needed to become an effective leader.Dr. Kristen Richey, DDS Resident Student member since 2022My next step in my career is to look for a job in private practice. Im going to use many of the resources that the AAP has to offer including networking opportunities at the Annual Meeting coming up in San Diego and resources on the website including the Career Center. Im very thankful for the AAP providing so many resources for those looking for jobs.35"