b'Dr. Powell: What makes ABPerio Minute unique is 82% preferred the ABPerio Minute concept of answering a fixed its incorporation of techniques that have been shownnumber of questions each year to enhance their knowledge rather in evidence-based studies to facilitate adult learning.than a single point in time examABPerio Minute optimizes methods such as spaced More than 90% said the questions were relevant to their practice, study, frequent assessment that requires informationwere useful learning tools, and helped them stay current in retrieval, and provides immediate feedback. Questionsperiodontal and implant surgeryare tailored to clinical practice and Diplomates are asked to assess confidence in their answers. They are 82% responded that ABPerio Minute will help them provide better then provided with the correct response, key points,care to their patientsevidence that supports the answer, and citations forFollowing a report on the performance of ABPerio Minute to the further self-study. Questions answered incorrectly areABP Directors in October 2023, a beta test of the platform to a repeated at varying intervals to reinforce knowledge.larger group of participants was approved to begin in January 2024.Each question is timed to be completed in approximately one minute, so time commitment is minimal. Dr. Darcey: Who is participating in the beta phase Another unique feature allows the ABP to push outof ABPerio Minute and what have you learned?questions on timely developments in periodontology and implant surgery. These questions appear at theDr. Powell: The beta version was offered to ABP Directors, top of the question queue allowing Diplomates to keepExaminers, Diplomates who recertified in 2023, and those their knowledge current on changing developments inDiplomates due to recertify in 2024. Through the first six months the specialty. The platform also employs Measurementof 2024, over 10,923 questions were presented on the platform. Decision Theory (MDT), which provides a real-timeData indicates that participants are answering questions in under probability value on knowledge currency. Think of this30 seconds, with only 1.7% of questions timing out due to no as your Perio Batting Average which changes as youresponse within the allotted one minute. Over 90% of Diplomates answer questions. Although Diplomates will see theirrate the questions as relevant to their periodontal and implant MDT assessment fluctuate as they answer questionspractices. Feedback received during the beta test has been correctly or incorrectly, ABPerio Minute is designed foroverwhelmingly positive. Below is a sample of the responses we self-assessment only, is confidential, and is intended forhave received:your own knowledge enhancement. Only you see your Great question and very relevant clinically.MDT score; however, when you query your question Very applicable to everyday practice. history, you can see cumulative peer performance data on any particular question.Good information to communicate to patients. Great refresher and evidence.Dr. Darcey: How has ABPerio Minute been evaluated in its development phase? While ABPerio Minute is just one component of the continuing certification process, it is the hope of the ABP and its Directors Dr. Powell: A pilot of ABPerio Minute was evaluatedthat this platform will serve as one avenue in helping our in the third quarter of 2023. A group of 90 randomlyDiplomates stay current in the specialty and be able to access selected Diplomates participated in the pilot phase, ofgame-changing information. ABPerio Minute, combined with which 50% were from private practice. Two surveysother continuing education opportunities and Diplomate self-were conducted during the pilot project, one to assessstudy, is the future for continuing certification.the functionality of the platform and a second to evaluate if ABPerio Minute was a valuable tool for ourDr. Darcey: Where can Diplomates find more Diplomates. From the over 2000 questions answeredinformation about ABPerio Minute?during the pilot, participants told us the following: 90% of the pilot participants felt the platform wasDr. Powell: Further details and information will be sent out via intuitive to use email in the coming weeks. At the AAP Annual Meeting, you98% felt the content was clear can learn more about ABPerio Minute at the district forums; the Speaker Studio on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 3:053:25 p.m.; the94% responded that the key points provided in theIP4 Perio Open Mic program on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 10:45 a.m. content were extremely useful - 12:15 p.m.; or stop by the ABP booth for a tutorial. You can also88% found the format for the references was usefulfind more information on the ABP website and be sure to follow for further study us on social media for updates and reminders.45'